make capabilities

Eli Zaretskii
Wed Mar 21 15:59:00 GMT 2001

On 5 Mar 2001, J.T. Conklin wrote:

> Eli>   1. The current Emacs distribution uses $(FOO:.x=.y) in its Makefile's.  
> Eli>      While this version is not yet released, its pretest was tested on 
> Eli>      many different systems, and none failed to build it.
> Good to hear.  I'd feel more comfortable if it had been released and there
> weren't any recorded complaints.

That makes two of us (I was the one who asked the Emacs head
maintainer to use this construct instead of invoking Sed).

Anyway, the Emacs 21 pretest is taking such a long time and draining
so much of my resources that I really wish it was over ;-)

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