Re (2nd): a small bug in the arm simulator

Jens-Christian Lache
Fri Feb 23 09:32:00 GMT 2001

Am Fre, 23 Feb 2001 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Jens-Christian,
> This time, I read your whole mail and I have some remarks:
>   1. Your translations of cpsr in binary forms are not exact. Mode bits are always
>      beginning with 1 (b1xxxx).

You are right. I set the cpsr to 0x800000d2 if it had been 0x800000d0

>   2. I hope it is a typing error else if you set the current mode to b00010 (to
>      simulate interrupts), you would corrupt the state machine of the ARM processor
>      simulator (state machine that allows the ARM processor not to change CPSR when
>      you write it, for example if the current mode is user).

You are right. I set the cpsr to 0x800000d2 if it had been 0x800000d0

>   3. I do not see the interest of the assembler code you trace that set the current
>      mode to the IRQ mode, which is the mode you are already in.
No. My interrupt handler switches to mode system before launching the c++
function. In the interrupt_end... function it switches back to IRQ mode
(I have the old pc on sp_irq and some other things too)

>   4. A real interrupt/exception routine must finished with an "s-bit set" 
>     instruction. For an interrupt, it should be         subs    pc, lr, #4.This
>     "s-instruction" save automatically the cpsr to spsr_xx and restore theold
>     cpsr (before interrupt). I give you my my minimal asm interrupthandler that 
>     calls a pure C interrupt handler:
>     irqHandler: 
>     stmfd   sp!, {a1-a4,ip,lr}      /* Push the scratch, link & ip regs */
>              mov     lr, pc   /* Save the return addr. intothe lr */
>              ldr     pc, interrupt_handler   /* Branch to the C interrupt
>                                          handler       */               
>              ldmfd   sp!, {a1-a4,ip,lr}  
>                      /* Pop the scratch, link & ip regs */              
>              subs    pc, lr, #4    

>    /* Exception return and restore cpsr       */ 

I do this manually. I have the return address on sp_irq. I can´t do 
ldmia	sp!, {......}^
This would directly lead to the program that was interrupeted. That´s why I copy
lr from the stack to a swap word at #40 and change to the previos mode (line
0x201ab34 and 0x201ab4c). I put this on the stack, make a call to os->schedule()
and restore it later.
Finally I just do
ldmia	sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc}
It is quite ugly, I know that but it works.

But: The bug remains the same! It still should cp r0 to cpsr at 0x201ab14!

I just compiled gdb with 
configure --target=$target --prefix=$prefix -v
make all install CFLAGS="-g -O0"
Worked fine.

Now I compile gdb a second time for my host and then I will see how gdb looks
like in gdb! ( I didn´t say "make distclean", hope it is working anyway)

Nice weekend to all,



This is the whole listing of the mentioned function (not much of interrest at
this point of time). It looks little ugly, but it works!

0x201ab04 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0>:	ldmia	sp!, {r1, r2, r3, r12, lr}
0x201ab08 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+4>:	mrs	r0, CPSR
0x201ab0c <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+8>:	bic	r0, r0, #31	; 0x1f
0x201ab10 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+12>:	orr	r0, r0, #146	; 0x92
0x201ab14 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+16>:	msr	CPSR_fc, r0
0x201ab18 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+20>:	ldr	r0, [pc, #1f8]	; 0x201ad18 <tc2_interrupt_handler__Fv+56>
0x201ab1c <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+24>:	str	r0, [r0, #304]
0x201ab20 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+28>:	ldmia	sp!, {r0, lr}
0x201ab24 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+32>:	msr	SPSR_fc, lr
0x201ab28 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+36>:	stmdb	sp!, {r0, r1}
0x201ab2c <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+40>:	ldr	r0, [sp, #8]
0x201ab30 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+44>:	mov	r1, #0	; 0x0
0x201ab34 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+48>:	str	r0, [r1, #40]
0x201ab38 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+52>:	ldmia	sp!, {r0, r1, lr}
0x201ab3c <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+56>:	mrs	lr, SPSR
0x201ab40 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+60>:	msr	CPSR_fc, lr
0x201ab44 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+64>:	stmdb	sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc}
0x201ab48 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+68>:	mov	r3, #0	; 0x0
0x201ab4c <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+72>:	ldr	r0, [r3, #40]
0x201ab50 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+76>:	stmdb	sp!, {r0}
0x201ab54 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+80>:	mrs	r0, CPSR
0x201ab58 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+84>:	stmdb	sp!, {r0}
0x201ab5c <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+88>:	ldr	r3, [pc, #18]	; 0x201ab7c <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+120>
0x201ab60 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+92>:	ldr	r0, [r3]
0x201ab64 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+96>:	bl	0x201871c <schedule__5Sched>
0x201ab68 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+100>:	ldmia	sp!, {r0}
0x201ab6c <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+104>:	msr	CPSR_fc, r0
0x201ab70 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+108>:	ldmia	sp!, {r0}
0x201ab74 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+112>:	str	r0, [sp, #24]
0x201ab78 <interrupt_end_os_schedule_0+116>:	ldmia	sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc}

> I hope my remarks will help you. Have a good week-end.
> Pierre.

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Jens-Christian Lache
Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg

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