
Mickael Gicquaire Mickael.Gicquaire@st.com
Wed Aug 8 04:29:00 GMT 2001

Hi all !

Do u know how to enable profiling for gdb. i try using --enable-profiling  for
a solris gdb debugger running on a solaris platform. This did not work. I also
had a look in the configure.in file and could not find the option
--enable-profiling .
Do u know if the patch with --enable-profiling is in gdb5.0 and if not  is
there any king of profiling in gdb5.0 ?
If it was not accepted and is not in gdb5.0 why is that?

I am trying to analyse gdb performance and a profiling switch inside of gdb
would be useful .

thanks for you time
cheers mickael

| Mickael Gicquaire  | email mickael.gicquaire@.st.com  |                 |
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