Lets talk to each other...

Kevin Buettner kevinb@cygnus.com
Tue Sep 28 20:31:00 GMT 1999

On Sep 28,  8:57am, Mark Kettenis wrote:

>    Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 21:30:14 -0700
>    From: Kevin Buettner <kevinb@cygnus.com>
>    H.J. has shown us that it is possible to ifdef the changes that I
>    reverted so that we can build gdb on other (non-linux) targets.
> Correction:  H.J. has shown that it is possible to ifdef the changes
> such that it builds on Linux and Solaris 7.

I stand corrected.

>    So why didn't we do this?
> Since I'm pretty sure that the changes break gdb i386 targets that
> already have functioning floating point support, such as the Hurd.


H.J. sent some patches [1] to the list recently which appear to be
roughly equivalent to some patches that I sent out a few days
earlier [2].  You may recall that you tested these patches and
found that they allowed you to build on i386-unknown-gnu0.2
again [3].

HJ's patches are a bit more involved than mine were (probably to
enable building on Solaris 7), so it may be the case that a few more
tweaks are necessary to allow you to build on i386-unknown-gnu0.2 and
other i386 targets, but my patch [2] combined with your response [3]
certainly suggest that it is possible.

  [1] H.J. Lu, "A patch for x86 FPU", Sept 14, 1999,

  [2] Kevin Buettner, "Re: Recent Linux related changes to gdb...",
      Sept 11, 1999,

  [3] Mark Kettenis, "Re: Recent Linux related changes to gdb...",
      Sept 11, 1999,


Kevin Buettner
kev@primenet.com, kevinb@cygnus.com

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