QUIT as a function?

Stan Shebs shebsATcygnus.com
Fri Sep 17 11:42:00 GMT 1999

   From: Andrew Cagney <ac131313@cygnus.com>
   Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:14:42 +1000

   Is there any reason for not converting QUIT into a function?

Yes, QUIT appears in the inner loops of the symbol readers, which
are known to be compute-bound and some of the most time-critical
code in all GDB.  So I'd want to see some comparative performance
numbers, especially on hosts with lame calling conventions, before
we go messing with QUIT.

   PS: Where is PROGRESS defined?

include/mpw/spin.h.  Needed for Mac MPW, which requires explicit
yields to give other processes time.  Possibly of interest for DJGPP
also, and also for GUIs that want to do any sort of cursor animation
linked to computation.  For instance, MPW uses a spinning "beach ball"
- as long as it's spinning, things are OK and the computation is
making progress, but if it stops, you know something bad has happened...


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