Your change to can_use_hardware_watchpoint breaks hw wp

Eli Zaretskii
Tue Sep 14 02:26:00 GMT 1999

> > If you can post the changes , I will try to use
> > them on the platform that I can use for development and see if they
> > solve the problems.
> > 
> My change is specific to Linux/x86. Since gdb has been working that
> way on x86 for many years, I assumed I was the only person who wanted
> to change it. I made my change limited only to Linux/x86 so that other
> x86 platforms remain the same.

Even changes specific to Linux are useful, as one can look at them and
devise similar changes for other x86-based targets.

> BTW, I can set hardware watchpoints on array element, struct member
> and 4 long long, float, double or long double.

Are the changes to do this in the current CVS tree?  If so, could you
please point me to the relevant source files and functions where these
changes are implemented?

If you didn't submit your changes, may I suggest to do so?  I think that
the (practical) inability to watch array elements and struct members
is a grave problem.

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