gdb performance is impossible!!

Jake Colman
Wed Sep 8 10:34:00 GMT 1999


Well, what ARE the compiler switches and secret debugging environment
variables that make the difference?


>>>>> "Shlomo" == Anglister, Shlomo <> writes:

    Shlomo> Hi, What we have is more and more people/companies/groups moving
    Shlomo> to C++.  Moreover, after so many years of SW development we all
    Shlomo> reached the conclusion that shared libraries is the solution for
    Shlomo> large applications.

    Shlomo> It seems that debugging large programs using many/large shared
    Shlomo> libraries is a pain and a common problem to all architectures.

    Shlomo> I think the real problem is that OS providers HP, SGI, SUN, IBM
    Shlomo> provide very poor and basic documentation on how to debug large
    Shlomo> applications.

    Shlomo> We found out that compiler switches + secret debug environment
    Shlomo> variables could make the change !!!!!!

    Shlomo> Anglister Shlomo

    Shlomo> 		-----Original Message----- From: Srikanth
    Shlomo> 		[ ] Sent: Tuesday, September
    Shlomo> 		07, 1999 7:17 PM To: Guenther Grau Cc: Jake Colman;
    Shlomo> Subject: Re: gdb
    Shlomo> 		performance is impossible!!

    Shlomo> 		Guenther Grau wrote:
    >> Jake Colman wrote:
    >> > So, what should we be looking at as a potential problem?
    Shlomo> The application is
    >> > rather large is linked with about 10 of our own shared
    Shlomo> libraries - in
    >> > addition to whatever system libraries might be shared as
    Shlomo> well.  It uses g++
    >> > and is compiler with what think are the appropriate gcc
    Shlomo> flags for shared
    >> > libraries and debugging.
    >> >
    >> > Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    >> How large is large? Our applications are large ~150 MB on
    Shlomo> disk
    >> and it takes quite a while to read all the libs. (And yes,
    Shlomo> our
    >> application is mainly c++ as well, so maybe this is a
    Shlomo> problem?)
    >> Guenther

    Shlomo> 			On the HP WDB, we have seen cases where ~50%
    Shlomo> 			of the
    Shlomo> time is
    Shlomo> 		spent in demangling the minimal symbols. The quick
    Shlomo> 		sort in install_minimal_symbols() is also a big
    Shlomo> 		ticket item. It
    Shlomo> would be
    Shlomo> 		nice to defer sorting to just until it is needed and
    Shlomo> 		even
    Shlomo> then
    Shlomo> 		do it on a per objfile basis.

    Shlomo> 		Srikanth.

Jake Colman                     

Principia Partners LLC                  Phone: (201) 946-0300
Harborside Financial Center               Fax: (201) 946-0320
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"Every time I think I've idiot-proofed something someone comes up with a
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