Dejagnu as part of repository?

J.T. Conklin
Thu Oct 28 07:53:00 GMT 1999

>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Cagney <> writes:
Andrew> Hello, Should the GDB repository contain dejagnu?

The only reservation I have is that dejagnu includes tcl, tk, and
expect.  This can lead to the situation where a user installs a
different version of these programs/libraries atop the versions 
that are already on their machines if they're not careful.  I've
blown away texinfo 4.0 several times already because GDB snapshots
contain a hacked version of texinfo 3.2.

So as you suggest, I think that dejagnu must be a different CVS
'module' than GDB so that those who want it must check it out


J.T. Conklin
RedBack Networks

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