[GDB] Can I get some sample program using debugging stub?
Todd Whitesel
Sun Oct 24 22:10:00 GMT 1999
> According to GDB manual, they said , "Insert set_debug_traps, breakpoint
> near the top of your program". But It's not concrete to me.
Pick a function like 'main' or 'myApp' or whatever you call your functions
that begin the program; and set a breakpoint there:
(gdb) break main
> I compiled GDB for "--target=sparc-wrs-vxworks" as target and solraris2 as
If you are using a public version of GDB, then this requires an older vxworks
target that supports 'RDB'. Newer targets (those shipped with Tornado 2.0) do
not support RDB any more.
I am working to get something appropriate for T2.0 into the public GDB but it
is slow going as I missed my best window of opportunity last winter by getting
really sick at just the wrong time.
> When tried to debug the application compiled under solaris2, it failed to
> read the file format. I guess the gdb which is made for cross debugging for
> another architecture can't work for the application of host that GDB works.
> Am I right?
That is generally true. If you build a program with gcc for a --target, then
you will also need a gdb for the same --target in order to debug it. If you
want to debug programs compiled by the solaris2 compiler, you should use a gdb
for --target=sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1 (or whatever version of solaris you have).
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @ wrs.com
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