x86 fpu

Kevin_Hendricks khendricks@admin.ivey.uwo.ca
Thu Oct 21 11:21:00 GMT 1999


>It's never going to be possible for FSF GDB to have the latest version
>of every code bit that is under development. 

It is just that your "code bit" is our complete world. Gdb is the *only* 
debugger that exists for Linux PPC.  We have nothing else to fall back on.   

>If nothing else, most of
>the Linux folks take a rather cavalier attitude towards copyright
>ownership, and FSF policy does not allow us to do that for GDB.
>(complaints to rms@gnu.org)  

Yes, that is very true. I could not understand why it took so much just to get 
ppc support in  (I didn't know RMS and MW president had to get involved.) 

>However, we should always be trying to
>stay as current as possible.

Sounds good to me.  After how quickly Kevin Buettner got JDK 1.1.X working under 
Linux PPC (when only working part time on the porting team), I am sure he will 
have us (LinuxPPC) in good shape with gdb in no time at all! 



Kevin B. Hendricks
Associate Professor of Operations and Information Technology
Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario  N6A-3K7  CANADA   
khendricks@ivey.uwo.ca, (519) 661-3874, fax: 519-661-3959

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