RDI target issues

Grant.Edwards@comtrol.com Grant.Edwards@comtrol.com
Thu Oct 21 09:03:00 GMT 1999

I've been working on getting gdb 4.18 (arm-elf) to work with the
rdi target.  I've had to make some changes to the rdi library
code from ARM (in the rdi-share directory):

 1) Disable heartbeat functionality, since it makes the JTAG
    interface boxes from both ARM and EPI fall over..
 2) Fix the code that was throwing away error codes returned
    by the JTAG boxes with the "stopped" message.

 3) Added a considerable amount of logging functionality (this
    still needs to be cleaned up and made run-timeconfigurable).

I've also had to make changes to gdb code in remote-rdi.c::

 1) Make sure the ADP device is closed before attempting to
    open it.
 2) Allow target options to be passed to Adp_OpenDevice.

 3) Changed the way that log messages from remote are handled
    (this goes along with #3 above, and still needs work).
 4) Disable automatic setting of breakpoints on interrupt


Change 4 only needs to happen if the target platform has ROM at
address 0.  Otherwise, (RAM ad address 0) the old behavior is
probably best.  How should this option be configured by the
user?  Right now, the parameters to the "target rdi" gdb
command are just passed on to the Adp_OpenDevice routine from
ARM.  I could parse those options and strip out the ones I want
to handle in remote-rdi.c before passing them on to the RDI


Grant Edwards

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