gdbserver: bash vs. csh

Kevin Hilman
Tue Oct 5 11:10:00 GMT 1999

I'm using gdbserver as a remote target, and I'm starting gdbserver
using the 'shell' command from within gdb.  

I've configured gdbserver to trap SIGINTs and do the appropriate
thing, however, when using csh, Control-C's from within gdb never make
it to gdbserver.  When using bash, it works just fine.  gdbserver
traps the control-C and shuts down like I want it to.

Any ideas why the difference between shells?

Currently, for users using csh, if they set the env variable $SHELL
to /bin/sh before starting gdb this problem can be avoided.

Kevin Hilman               ---  Equator Technologies Inc.        ---  Seattle, WA USA

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