GDB with Hitachi Linker output?

Toshiyasu Morita
Tue Jul 20 12:14:00 GMT 1999

The SRCONV utility is actually pretty broken, through no fault of Cygnus.

We ran into the problem three years ago that SRCONV-emitted files caused the 
Hitachi in-circuit emulator to crash. After much consultation with both 
sides, we determined that:

1) The Hitachi SYSROF spec only describes the output of the data from the 
compiler/linker, and do not specify implicit ordering dependencies, and 

2) linker/debugger are fragile and do not emit  proper error messages 
when a certain section is out of order.

Therefore, it was impossible to debug the problem and we gave up on SRCONV.


> >>>>> "Bill" == Bill Gatliff <> writes:
> Bill> Is anyone using GDB sh-hitachi-hms with executables supplied by
> Bill> the Hitachi linker?
> I don't think so.  
> AFAIK, the hitachi object format is sysroff.  There is a sysroff to
> COFF converter in binutils (srconv), but nothing to do the reverse.  I
> vaguely remember a receiving email from Ian Taylor two or three years
> ago that said that support for whatever was missing in BFD that caused
> srconv to be a separate program (instead of available through objcopy)
> had been added.  That project never became high enough priority to
> follow up.  
> It's possible that the email was referring to nlmconv instead of
> srconv, since I worked on both programs in that time frame.  I'm 
> sorry I can't remember any more details.
> 	--jtc
> -- 
> J.T. Conklin
> RedBack Networks

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