keeping commands out of the history

Todd Sabin
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

> >>>>> "Todd" == Todd Sabin <> writes:
> Todd> This sounds good, but I also want to do 'info registers',
> Todd> 'where', and probably 'info breakpoints' in the future, so I'm
> Todd> really looking for something a little more general.
> I don't think any of these add to the value history.
> Or was that not what you were asking for?

No, I'm talking about both the command and value history.  I want to
be able to send commands to and receive output from gdb without it
having any impact on what someone typing commands at the prompt sees.
Currently, if I type 'next' at the gdb prompt, it gets executed and my
hooks do, e.g., 'info registers', and put the output in a different buffer.
If I then type '<RET>' at the gdb prompt, it runs 'info registers' again,
not 'next'.  I want to it run 'next'.


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