fortran/2290: can not acces allocatable array in fortran90
Thu Jul 26 09:28:00 GMT 2007

>Number:         2290
>Category:       fortran
>Synopsis:       can not acces allocatable array in fortran90
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    unassigned
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jul 26 09:28:01 UTC 2007
>Release:        GNU gdb Red Hat Linux (6.5-16.el5rh)

In this very simple program, you can have acces to tab2 but not to tab: 

program ex
  implicit none
  integer :: i
  real(8),allocatable :: tab(:)
  real(8) :: tab2(10)
  do i=1,10
  end do
end program ex

I have use both g95 and gfortran
when I use print tab2 every things are fine
(a part that g95 sems to not be regonize as fortran, and that the first index is always zero,and not one)

but if I want to acces to tab:
in gfortran
(gdb) p tab
$2 = { 0x1b7a8460, -1, 537, ({ 1, 1, 10})}
(gdb) p tab(1)
Cannot perform substring on this type

(gdb) p tab[1]
A syntax error in expression, near `[1]'.

(gdb) whatis tab
type = Type array_descriptor1
PTR TO -> ( VOID ) :: data
int8 :: offset
int8 :: dtype
    Type descriptor_dimension
int8 :: stride
int8 :: lbound
int8 :: ubound
    End Type descriptor_dimension (0:0) :: dim
End Type array_descriptor1

(gdb) p tab%data(1)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000000001b7a8460 in ?? ()

in g95
(gdb) p tab
$1 = {offset = 0x15a39330 "P", rank = 1, esize = 8, base = 0x15a39338, info = {8, 1, 10}}

(gdb) p tab(1)
Invalid data type for function to be called.

(gdb) p tab[1]
Structure has no component named operator[].

(gdb) p tab.base[1]
Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.
(gdb) p tab.offset[1]
$4 = 0 '\0'



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