[RFC 1/3] [gdb/dap] Fix exit race

Tom Tromey tom@tromey.com
Tue Feb 13 18:04:03 GMT 2024

>>>>> "Tom" == Tom de Vries <tdevries@suse.de> writes:

>> One way to fix this would be to have start_json_writer return the
>> thread
>> object, and then have main_loop join the thread to terminate after
>> writing the None.  This would mean making this particular thread
>> non-daemon though.

Tom> And as I understand it, the downside of that is that it could possibly
Tom> hang the gdb process.

How so?

Tom> +                queue.task_done()

I think SimpleQueue doesn't have task_done, so you have to change this
code to use Queue and instead.

Tom>          # JSON-writing thread, so that we can ensure that all
Tom>          # responses are flushed to the client before exiting.
Tom>          self.write_queue.put(None)
Tom> +        self.write_queue.join()
Tom> +        send_gdb("quit")

I suspect this isn't needed.


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