Question on the gdb.xml/tdesc-regs.exp test

Carl Love
Tue Mar 29 21:41:33 GMT 2022


In your patch for the test on Dec 27, 2017, you updated the comment in
the test to say:

+# Reggroups should have at least general and the extra foo group               
+gdb_test "maintenance print reggroups" \                                       
+    " Group\[ \t\]+Type\[ \t\]+\r\n.* general\[ \t\]+user\[ \t\]+\r\n.* foo\[ \
\t\]+user\[ \t\]+"

On Powerpc, the test results are as follows:

maintenance print reggroups
 Group      Type      
 foo        user      
(gdb) FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-regs.exp: maintenance print reggroups
set tdesc filename test-regs.xml

I see that the output on X86 includes an line with general:

 maintenance print reggroups
 Group      Type      
 sse        user      
 mmx        user      
 general    user      

I am wondering if you can help me understand why a line with general is
expected?  I have been looking at Powerpc and Intel trying to figure
out why it shows up on Intel but not Powerpc?  Anyway, it would be good
to understand what results in the general line being generated so I can
figure out how to get the test to run properly on Powerpc.  Currently,
this is the only failure on Powerpc.   Thanks for your help.

                       Carl Love

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