[PATCH 2/5] gdbsupport: Introduce interval_tree

Ilya Leoshkevich iii@linux.ibm.com
Thu Jun 2 13:35:43 GMT 2022

Currently adding or removing a single section causes
update_section_map() to rebuild the section map from scratch, which
involves calling std::sort(), so the complexity of that is O(N*log(N).

Adding N JITed sections has the complexity O((N**2)*log(N)), because
adding each section involves breakpoint handling, which needs to
resolve PCs and thus calls update_section_map().  When N is around 10k,
this renders GDB unusable.

Therefore an efficient data structure that can handle incremental
updates is needed.  Interval trees fit the bill: the updates and
lookups are in O(log(N)).  They also support overlapping intervals,
which is important for debuginfo handling and diagnosing GDB internal
problems - an obvious std::map<CORE_ADDR, ...> alternative cannot do

This patch adds an implementation based on "Introduction to
Algorithms".  The naming and the code structure try to stay as close to
the book as possible.  Some ideas are also borrowed from Linux Kernel's
 gdbsupport/interval_tree.h | 915 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 915 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 gdbsupport/interval_tree.h

diff --git a/gdbsupport/interval_tree.h b/gdbsupport/interval_tree.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b62982c52d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdbsupport/interval_tree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
+/* Interval tree for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+   Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of GDB.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+/* Based on:
+   Cormen T. H., Leiserson C. E., Rivest R. L., and Stein C..  2009.
+   Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition (3rd ed.).  The MIT Press.
+   Section 13: Red-Black Trees.
+   Section 14.3: Interval trees.  */
+#include "gdbsupport/gdb_assert.h"
+#include "gdbsupport/gdb_optional.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <utility>
+/* Forward declarations.  */
+template <typename Interval> struct interval_traits;
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits> class interval_tree;
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits> class interval_tree_key;
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits> class interval_tree_node;
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits> class interval_tree_iterator;
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits>
+class interval_tree_find_iterator;
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits> class interval_tree;
+/* Accessors for INTERVAL's low and high endpoints.  */
+template <typename Interval> struct interval_traits
+  typedef typename Interval::endpoint_type endpoint_type;
+  static endpoint_type
+  low (const Interval &t)
+  {
+    return t.low;
+  }
+  static endpoint_type
+  high (const Interval &t)
+  {
+    return t.high;
+  }
+/* Interval tree key that uses both the low and the high interval ends.
+   Strictly speaking, only the low end is enough, however, using the high one
+   as a tie-breaker makes the iteration order more predictable.
+   For internal use only.  */
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits> class interval_tree_key
+  using endpoint_type = typename Traits::endpoint_type;
+  interval_tree_key (endpoint_type low, endpoint_type high)
+      : m_low (low), m_high (high)
+  {
+  }
+  bool
+  operator<= (endpoint_type rhs) const
+  {
+    return m_low <= rhs;
+  }
+  bool
+  operator>= (endpoint_type rhs) const
+  {
+    return m_low >= rhs;
+  }
+  bool
+  operator<(const interval_tree_key &rhs) const
+  {
+    return m_low != rhs.m_low ? m_low < rhs.m_low : m_high < rhs.m_high;
+  }
+  bool
+  operator<= (const interval_tree_key &rhs) const
+  {
+    return m_low != rhs.m_low ? m_low < rhs.m_low : m_high <= rhs.m_high;
+  }
+  endpoint_type m_low;
+  endpoint_type m_high;
+  friend class interval_tree<Interval, Traits>;
+  friend class interval_tree_node<Interval, Traits>;
+/* Interval tree node.  This is either a regular node, which holds a
+   user-specified interval, or a nil node, which does not.  For internal use
+   only.  */
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits> class interval_tree_node
+  enum class direction
+  {
+    left,
+    right
+  };
+  enum class color
+  {
+    black,
+    red
+  };
+  using endpoint_type = typename Traits::endpoint_type;
+  using key_type = interval_tree_key<Interval, Traits>;
+  interval_tree_node () = default;
+  template <typename... Args>
+  explicit interval_tree_node (Args &&...args)
+      : m_int (gdb::in_place_t (), std::forward<Args> (args)...),
+	m_max (high ())
+  {
+  }
+  /* Prevent copies and moves - nodes must stay where they are created,
+     otherwise unwanted iterator invalidation may happen.  */
+  interval_tree_node (const interval_tree_node &) = delete;
+  interval_tree_node &operator= (const interval_tree_node &) = delete;
+  interval_tree_node (interval_tree_node &&) = delete;
+  interval_tree_node &operator= (interval_tree_node &&) = delete;
+  endpoint_type
+  low () const
+  {
+    return Traits::low (*m_int);
+  }
+  endpoint_type
+  high () const
+  {
+    return Traits::high (*m_int);
+  }
+  key_type
+  key () const
+  {
+    return key_type (low (), high ());
+  }
+  interval_tree_node *&
+  child (direction which)
+  {
+    if (which == direction::left)
+      return m_left;
+    else
+      return m_right;
+  }
+  interval_tree_node *
+  sibling (direction which) const
+  {
+    return m_p->child (which);
+  }
+  bool
+  is_child (direction which) const
+  {
+    return this == sibling (which);
+  }
+  direction
+  which_child () const
+  {
+    return is_child (direction::left) ? direction::left : direction::right;
+  }
+  color m_color;
+  gdb::optional<Interval> m_int;
+  interval_tree_node *m_left;
+  interval_tree_node *m_right;
+  interval_tree_node *m_p;
+  endpoint_type m_max;
+  friend class interval_tree_iterator<Interval, Traits>;
+  friend class interval_tree_find_iterator<Interval, Traits>;
+  friend class interval_tree<Interval, Traits>;
+/* Interval tree iterator.  Returns intervals with smaller low endpoints first,
+   using high endpoints as tie-breakers.  Intervals with identical endpoints
+   are returned in an undefined order.  */
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits> class interval_tree_iterator
+  using node = interval_tree_node<Interval, Traits>;
+  using tree = interval_tree<Interval, Traits>;
+  /* Create an iterator referring to an OBJECT from an INTERVAL within a
+     TREE.  */
+  static interval_tree_iterator
+  from_interval (tree &tree, Interval *object)
+  {
+    return interval_tree_iterator (
+	&tree, reinterpret_cast<node *> (reinterpret_cast<char *> (object)
+					 - offsetof (node, m_int)));
+  }
+  bool
+  operator== (const interval_tree_iterator &rhs) const
+  {
+    return m_x == rhs.m_x;
+  }
+  bool
+  operator!= (const interval_tree_iterator &rhs) const
+  {
+    return !(*this == rhs);
+  }
+  Interval &
+  operator* () const
+  {
+    return *m_x->m_int;
+  }
+  Interval *
+  operator->() const
+  {
+    return &**this;
+  }
+  explicit interval_tree_iterator (tree *tree, node *x)
+      : m_tree (tree), m_x (x)
+  {
+  }
+  tree *m_tree;
+  node *m_x;
+  friend class interval_tree<Interval, Traits>;
+/* Interval tree search iterator.  Returns intervals that overlap [LOW, HIGH].
+   Intervals with smaller low endpoints are returned first, high endpoints are
+   used as tie-breakers.  Intervals with identical endpoints are returned in an
+   undefined order.  */
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits>
+class interval_tree_find_iterator
+    : public interval_tree_iterator<Interval, Traits>
+  using node = interval_tree_node<Interval, Traits>;
+  using endpoint_type = typename node::endpoint_type;
+  using tree = interval_tree<Interval, Traits>;
+  interval_tree_find_iterator &
+  operator++ ()
+  {
+    this->m_x = this->m_tree->interval_search_next (this->m_x, this->m_low,
+						    this->m_high);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  interval_tree_find_iterator
+  operator++ (int)
+  {
+    interval_tree_find_iterator result = *this;
+    ++(*this);
+    return result;
+  }
+  interval_tree_find_iterator (tree *tree, node *start, endpoint_type low,
+			       endpoint_type high)
+      : interval_tree_iterator<Interval, Traits> (tree, start), m_low (low),
+	m_high (high)
+  {
+    if (this->m_x != &this->m_tree->m_nil)
+      this->m_x = this->m_tree->interval_search (this->m_x, this->m_low,
+						 this->m_high);
+  }
+  endpoint_type m_low;
+  endpoint_type m_high;
+  friend class interval_tree<Interval, Traits>;
+/* A container for intervals.  Supports efficient addition, lookup of
+   overlapping intervals and removal.  */
+template <typename Interval, typename Traits = interval_traits<Interval> >
+class interval_tree
+  using node = interval_tree_node<Interval, Traits>;
+  using direction = typename node::direction;
+  using color = typename node::color;
+  using endpoint_type = typename node::endpoint_type;
+  using iterator = interval_tree_iterator<Interval, Traits>;
+  interval_tree () { m_nil.m_color = color::black; }
+  ~interval_tree () { rb_free (m_root); }
+  iterator
+  begin ()
+  {
+    if (m_root == &m_nil)
+      return end ();
+    return iterator (this, tree_minimum (m_root));
+  }
+  iterator
+  end ()
+  {
+    return iterator (this, &m_nil);
+  }
+  /* Construct a new interval and insert it into this tree.
+     Return an iterator pointing to this interval.  */
+  template <typename... Args>
+  iterator
+  emplace (Args &&...args)
+  {
+    node *z = new node (std::forward<Args> (args)...);
+    rb_insert (z);
+    return iterator (this, z);
+  }
+  /* Find all intervals in this tree that overlap with [LOW, HIGH].  */
+  interval_tree_find_iterator<Interval, Traits>
+  find (endpoint_type low, endpoint_type high)
+  {
+    return interval_tree_find_iterator<Interval, Traits> (this, m_root, low,
+							  high);
+  }
+  /* Remove a single interval from this tree.
+     All iterators except POS stay valid.  */
+  void
+  erase (iterator pos)
+  {
+    rb_delete (pos.m_x);
+    delete pos.m_x;
+  }
+  /* Remove all intervals from this tree.  */
+  void
+  clear ()
+  {
+    rb_free (m_root);
+    m_root = &m_nil;
+  }
+  /* Print T and check its invariants.  */
+  template <typename Stream>
+  friend Stream &
+  operator<< (Stream &stream, const interval_tree &t)
+  {
+    if (t.m_root == &t.m_nil)
+      stream << "(nil)\n";
+    else
+      {
+	t.rb_print (stream, t.m_root);
+	int black_height = -1;
+	t.rb_check (t.m_root, 0, black_height);
+      }
+    return stream;
+  }
+  static direction
+  opposite (direction where)
+  {
+    return where == direction::left ? direction::right : direction::left;
+  }
+  /* Link V in place of U.  */
+  void
+  rb_transplant (node *u, node *v)
+  {
+    if (u->m_p == &m_nil)
+      m_root = v;
+    else
+      u->m_p->child (u->which_child ()) = v;
+    v->m_p = u->m_p;
+  }
+  /* Perform a left or a right rotation of X.
+          |                     |
+        x=A                   x=C
+         / \     left ==>      / \
+        B y=C    <== right  y=A   E
+           / \               / \
+          D   E             B   D
+  */
+  void
+  rotate (node *x, direction where)
+  {
+    node *y = x->child (opposite (where));
+    x->child (opposite (where)) = y->child (where);
+    if (y->child (where) != &m_nil)
+      y->child (where)->m_p = x;
+    rb_transplant (x, y);
+    y->child (where) = x;
+    x->m_p = y;
+    update_max_1 (x);
+    update_max_1 (y);
+  }
+  /* Restore the red-black tree invariants after inserting node Z.  */
+  void
+  rb_insert_fixup (node *z)
+  {
+    while (z->m_p->m_color == color::red)
+      {
+	direction which = z->m_p->which_child ();
+	node *y = z->m_p->sibling (opposite (which));
+	/* In the drawings below we assume that z's parent is a left child.  */
+	if (y->m_color == color::red)
+	  {
+	    /* Case 1: z's uncle (y) is red.
+	       It is sufficient to adjust colors.
+	       Whether z itself is a left or a right child does not matter,
+	       in the drawing below we assume it is a left child.
+			      |                           |
+			  C(black)                   z=C(red)
+			 /        \                    /     \
+		     B(red)   y=D(red)   ==>      B(black)  D(black)
+		    /      \    /     \           /       \ /       \
+	      z=A(red)                        A(red)
+		/     \                       /     \
+	    */
+	    z->m_p->m_color = color::black;
+	    y->m_color = color::black;
+	    z->m_p->m_p->m_color = color::red;
+	    z = z->m_p->m_p;
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    if (z->is_child (opposite (which)))
+	      {
+		/* Case 2: z's uncle (y) is black and z is a right child.
+		   Rotate left in order to turn this into case 3.
+			    |
+			C(black)
+			/       \
+		    A(red)       y
+		    /     \
+		   m  z=B(red)
+			/     \
+		       n       k
+		*/
+		z = z->m_p;
+		rotate (z, which);
+	      }
+	    /* Case 3: z's uncle (y) is black and z is a left child.
+	       Rotate right and adjust colors.
+			    |                       |
+			C(black)                B(black)
+			/       \               /       \
+		    B(red)       y          A(red)     C(red)
+		    /     \         ==>     /     \    /     \
+	      z=A(red)    k                m       n  k       y
+		/     \
+	       m       n
+	    */
+	    z->m_p->m_color = color::black;
+	    z->m_p->m_p->m_color = color::red;
+	    rotate (z->m_p->m_p, opposite (which));
+	  }
+      }
+    m_root->m_color = color::black;
+  }
+  /* Insert node Z into this tree.  */
+  void
+  rb_insert (node *z)
+  {
+    /* Find an insertion point according to the key.
+       Update m_max along the way.  */
+    node *y = &m_nil;
+    node *x = m_root;
+    direction which;
+    while (x != &m_nil)
+      {
+	y = x;
+	which = z->key () < x->key () ? direction::left : direction::right;
+	x = x->child (which);
+	if (y->m_max < z->high ())
+	  y->m_max = z->high ();
+      }
+    /* Perform insertion.  */
+    z->m_p = y;
+    if (y == &m_nil)
+      {
+	m_root = z;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	y->child (which) = z;
+	update_max_1 (y);
+      }
+    /* Restore the red-black tree invariants.  */
+    z->m_left = &m_nil;
+    z->m_right = &m_nil;
+    z->m_color = color::red;
+    rb_insert_fixup (z);
+  }
+  /* Find an interval with the smallest key in a subtree rooted at X.  */
+  node *
+  tree_minimum (node *x)
+  {
+    while (x->m_left != &m_nil)
+      x = x->m_left;
+    return x;
+  }
+  /* Recompute m_max of node X.  */
+  void
+  update_max_1 (node *x)
+  {
+    x->m_max = x->high ();
+    if (x->m_left != &m_nil && x->m_left->m_max > x->m_max)
+      x->m_max = x->m_left->m_max;
+    if (x->m_right != &m_nil && x->m_right->m_max > x->m_max)
+      x->m_max = x->m_right->m_max;
+  }
+  /* Recompute m_max of node X and its ancestors.  */
+  void
+  update_max (node *x)
+  {
+    for (; x != &m_nil; x = x->m_p)
+      update_max_1 (x);
+  }
+  /* Restore the red-black tree invariants after deleting a node.
+     Note that X is not the deleted node, but rather the node at which
+     inconsistencies start.  */
+  void
+  rb_delete_fixup (node *x)
+  {
+    while (x != m_root && x->m_color == color::black)
+      {
+	direction which = x->which_child ();
+	/* In the drawings below we assume that x is a left child.  */
+	node *w = x->sibling (opposite (which));
+	if (w->m_color == color::red)
+	  {
+	    /* Case 1: x's sibling (w) is red.
+	       Adjust colors and rotate left in order to turn this into case 2,
+	       3 or 4.
+			 |                                     |
+		     A(black)                              C(black)
+		     /       \                             /       \
+	      x=B(black)  w=C(red)         ==>         A(red)   E(black)
+			    /     \                    /     \
+		       D(black)  E(black)       x=B(black)  w=D(black)
+	    */
+	    w->m_color = color::black;
+	    x->m_p->m_color = color::red;
+	    rotate (x->m_p, which);
+	    w = x->sibling (opposite (which));
+	  }
+	if (w->m_left->m_color == color::black
+	    && w->m_right->m_color == color::black)
+	  {
+	    /* Case 2: x's sibling (w) is black, and so are w's children.
+	       It is sufficient to adjust colors.  */
+	    w->m_color = color::red;
+	    x = x->m_p;
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    if (w->child (opposite (which))->m_color == color::black)
+	      {
+		/* Case 3: x's sibling (w) is black, w's left child is red,
+		   and w's right child is black.  Adjust colors and rotate
+		   right in order to turn this into case 4.
+			     |
+			     A
+			  /     \
+		   x=B(black)  w=D(black)
+				 /       \
+			     E(red)   F(black)
+		*/
+		w->child (which)->m_color = color::black;
+		w->m_color = color::red;
+		rotate (w, opposite (which));
+		w = x->sibling (opposite (which));
+	      }
+	    /* Case 4: x's sibling (w) is black, and w's right child is red.
+	       Adjust colors and rotate left.
+			 |                                  |
+		       A(?)                             w=E(?)
+		      /     \                          /      \
+	       x=B(black)  w=E(black)      =>    A(black)  D(black)
+			     /       \              /    \
+			    G      D(red)      x=B(black) G
+	    */
+	    w->m_color = x->m_p->m_color;
+	    x->m_p->m_color = color::black;
+	    w->child (opposite (which))->m_color = color::black;
+	    rotate (x->m_p, which);
+	    /* No more inconsistencies can arise, exit the loop.  */
+	    x = m_root;
+	  }
+      }
+    x->m_color = color::black;
+  }
+  /* Remove node Z from this tree.  */
+  void
+  rb_delete (node *z)
+  {
+    node *y = z;
+    color y_original_color = y->m_color;
+    node *x;
+    if (z->m_left == &m_nil)
+      {
+	/* There is no left subtree, link z's right subtree in place of z.  */
+	x = z->m_right;
+	rb_transplant (z, z->m_right);
+	z->m_right = &m_nil;
+	update_max (z->m_p);
+      }
+    else if (z->m_right == &m_nil)
+      {
+	/* There is no right subtree, link z's left subtree in place of z.  */
+	x = z->m_left;
+	rb_transplant (z, z->m_left);
+	z->m_left = &m_nil;
+	update_max (z->m_p);
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	/* y is z's successor: the leftmost node in z's right subtree.  It has
+	   no left subtree.  First, link its right subtree (x) in its
+	   place.  */
+	y = tree_minimum (z->m_right);
+	y_original_color = y->m_color;
+	x = y->m_right;
+	node *m;
+	if (y->m_p == z)
+	  {
+	    x->m_p = y; /* x may be &m_nil.  */
+	    m = y;
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    m = y->m_p;
+	    rb_transplant (y, x);
+	    y->m_right = z->m_right;
+	    y->m_right->m_p = y;
+	  }
+	/* Now that y is unlinked from its original position, link it in z's
+	   place.  */
+	rb_transplant (z, y);
+	y->m_left = z->m_left;
+	y->m_left->m_p = y;
+	y->m_color = z->m_color;
+	z->m_left = &m_nil;
+	z->m_right = &m_nil;
+	/* Finally, recompute m_max, which we need to do from y's parent's
+	   position.  If y's parent was z, then use y itself, because y was
+	   linked in z's position.  Otherwise, use y's original parent.  */
+	update_max (m);
+      }
+    if (y_original_color == color::black)
+      {
+	/* Restore the red-black tree invariants.  The inconsistencies start at
+	   the deepest node that was touched.  */
+	rb_delete_fixup (x);
+      }
+  }
+  /* Print node X and its descendants.  */
+  template <typename Stream>
+  void
+  rb_print (Stream &stream, const node *x, int indent = 0,
+	    const char *prefix = "") const
+  {
+    std::fill_n (std::ostream_iterator<char> (stream), indent, ' ');
+    stream << prefix << (x->m_color == color::black ? "B" : "R") << " ["
+	   << x->low () << ", " << x->high () << "] | " << x->m_max << "\n";
+    if (x->m_left != &m_nil)
+      rb_print (stream, x->m_left, indent + 1, "L");
+    if (x->m_right != &m_nil)
+      rb_print (stream, x->m_right, indent + 1, "R");
+  }
+  /* Check invariants of this node and of its descendants.  */
+  void
+  rb_check (const node *x, int cur_black_height, int &black_height) const
+  {
+    /* The root must be black.  */
+    if (x == m_root)
+      {
+	gdb_assert (x->m_p == &m_nil);
+	gdb_assert (x->m_color == color::black);
+      }
+    /* If a node is red, then both its children must be black.  */
+    if (x->m_color == color::red)
+      gdb_assert (x->m_left->m_color == color::black
+		  && x->m_right->m_color == color::black);
+    /* Interval's low endpoint must not be greater than its high endpoint.  */
+    gdb_assert (x->low () <= x->high ());
+    /* All simple paths from root to leaves must contain the same number of
+       black nodes.  */
+    if (x->m_left == &m_nil || x->m_right == &m_nil)
+      {
+	if (black_height < 0)
+	  black_height = cur_black_height;
+	else
+	  gdb_assert (black_height == cur_black_height);
+      }
+    endpoint_type max = x->high ();
+    /* Descend into the left subtree.  */
+    if (x->m_left != &m_nil)
+      {
+	gdb_assert (x->m_left->m_p == x);
+	gdb_assert (x->m_left->key () <= x->key ());
+	if (max < x->m_left->m_max)
+	  max = x->m_left->m_max;
+	rb_check (x->m_left,
+		  cur_black_height
+		      + (x->m_left->m_color == color::black ? 1 : 0),
+		  black_height);
+      }
+    /* Descend into the right subtree.  */
+    if (x->m_right != &m_nil)
+      {
+	gdb_assert (x->m_right->m_p == x);
+	gdb_assert (x->key () <= x->m_right->key ());
+	if (max < x->m_right->m_max)
+	  max = x->m_right->m_max;
+	rb_check (x->m_right,
+		  cur_black_height
+		      + (x->m_right->m_color == color::black ? 1 : 0),
+		  black_height);
+      }
+    gdb_assert (x->m_max == max);
+  }
+  /* Free node X and its descendants.  */
+  void
+  rb_free (node *x)
+  {
+    if (x == &m_nil)
+      return;
+    rb_free (x->m_left);
+    rb_free (x->m_right);
+    delete x;
+  }
+  /* Find the leftmost interval overlapping [LOW, HIGH] in the subtree rooted
+     at node X.  */
+  node *
+  interval_search (node *x, endpoint_type low, endpoint_type high)
+  {
+    for (;;)
+      {
+	if (x->m_left != &m_nil && low <= x->m_left->m_max)
+	  {
+	    /* If there is no overlap in the left subtree, there is none
+	       elsewhere either (this is not intuitive, see Theorem 14.2 in the
+	       book).  Descend.  */
+	    x = x->m_left;
+	    continue;
+	  }
+	if (high < x->low ())
+	  {
+	    /* x and its right subtree are to the right of the searched
+	       interval.  There is no overlap.  */
+	    return &m_nil;
+	  }
+	if (low <= x->high ())
+	  {
+	    /* x is the overlapping interval.  */
+	    return x;
+	  }
+	if (x->m_right != &m_nil && low <= x->m_right->m_max)
+	  {
+	    /* The right subtree may contain an overlap.  Descend.  */
+	    x = x->m_right;
+	    continue;
+	  }
+	/* There is no overlap.  */
+	return &m_nil;
+      }
+  }
+  /* Find the leftmost interval to the right of node X that overlaps
+     [LOW, HIGH].  X must be previously returned by interval_search () or by
+     interval_search_next ().  */
+  node *
+  interval_search_next (node *x, endpoint_type low, endpoint_type high)
+  {
+    for (;;)
+      {
+	/* We are not interested in the nodes to the left of X, since all the
+	   overlaps there have already been reported.  Therefore, ignore the
+	   left subtree.  */
+	if (x->m_right != &m_nil && low <= x->m_right->m_max)
+	  {
+	    /* If there is no overlap in the right subtree, there is none
+	       elsewhere either.  This can be proven the same way as
+	       Theorem 14.2 from the book.  */
+	    return interval_search (x->m_right, low, high);
+	  }
+	/* Go up until we find a node we haven't examined yet (its right
+	   subtree is also not examined).  It must be a left child.  */
+	bool from_right;
+	do
+	  {
+	    from_right = x->is_child (node::direction::right);
+	    x = x->m_p;
+	    if (x == &m_nil)
+	      return &m_nil;
+	  }
+	while (from_right);
+	if (high < x->low ())
+	  {
+	    /* x and its right subtree are to the right of the searched
+	       interval.  There is no overlap.  */
+	    return &m_nil;
+	  }
+	if (low <= x->high ())
+	  {
+	    /* x is the overlapping interval.  */
+	    return x;
+	  }
+      }
+  }
+  /* Convenience sentinel node.  Its m_int is not initialized.  The code above
+     can temporarily assign values to its members: for example, being able to
+     do x->m_p = y in rb_delete () simplifies things significantly.  */
+  node m_nil;
+  node *m_root = &m_nil;
+  friend class interval_tree_find_iterator<Interval, Traits>;

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