[PATCH] gdb/testsuite: use nopie in gdb.dwarf2/dw2-inline-param.exp

Simon Marchi simon.marchi@efficios.com
Thu Apr 7 19:08:57 GMT 2022

I see this failure (it seems to be new, I don't understand why since the
test hasn't changed, and I didn't change toolchain):

    (gdb) run ^M
    Starting program: /home/smarchi/build/binutils-gdb/gdb/testsuite/outputs/gdb.dwarf2/dw2-inline-param/dw2-inline-param ^M
    Cannot insert breakpoint 1.^M
    Cannot access memory at address 0x113b^M
    (gdb) FAIL: gdb.dwarf2/dw2-inline-param.exp: runto: run to *0x113b

The test loads the binary in GDB, grabs the address of a symbol, strips
the binary, reloads it in GDB, runs the program, and then tries to place
a breakpoint at that address.  The problem is that the binary is built
as position independent, so the address GDB grabs in the first place
isn't where the code ends up after running.

Fix this by linking the binary as non-position-independent.  The
alternative would be to compute the relocated address where to place the
breakpoint, but that's not very straightforward, unfortunately.

I was confused for a while, I was trying to load the binary in GDB
manually to get the symbol address, but GDB was telling me the symbol
could not be found.  Meanwhile, it clearly worked in gdb.log.  The thing
is that GDB strips the binary in-place, so we don't have access to the
intermediary binary with symbols.  Change the test to output the
stripped binary to a separate file instead.

Change-Id: I66c56293df71b1ff49cf748d6784bd0e935211ba
 gdb/testsuite/gdb.dwarf2/dw2-inline-param.exp | 8 +++++---
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.dwarf2/dw2-inline-param.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.dwarf2/dw2-inline-param.exp
index 3cb11c8c014..c0675141012 100644
--- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.dwarf2/dw2-inline-param.exp
+++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.dwarf2/dw2-inline-param.exp
@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ if {![dwarf2_support]} {
 standard_testfile .S -main.c
+set binfile_stripped ${binfile}-stripped
 if { [prepare_for_testing "failed to prepare" "${testfile}" \
-	  [list $srcfile2 $srcfile] {nodebug}] } {
+	  [list $srcfile2 $srcfile] {nodebug nopie}] } {
     return -1
@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ gdb_unload
 # Strip out any labels there as they could corrupt the `main' name.
 set objcopy_program [gdb_find_objcopy]
-set command "$objcopy_program -N block_start -N block_end -N break_at ${binfile}"
+set command "$objcopy_program -N block_start -N block_end -N break_at ${binfile} ${binfile_stripped}"
 verbose -log "Executing: $command"
 set result [catch "exec $command" output]
 verbose "result is $result"
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ if {$result != 0} {
   return -1
-gdb_load ${binfile}
+gdb_load ${binfile_stripped}
 if ![runto "*${break_at}"] {
     return -1

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