[PATCH 03/10] btrace: Enable auxiliary instructions in record function-call-history.

Willgerodt, Felix felix.willgerodt@intel.com
Wed Jun 16 10:03:40 GMT 2021

Markus> I agree this output looks nice.  One problem with it, though, is that the user asked
Markus> for 4 lines of output and we give 8.

I had assumed this is only about functions, not lines. According to the docs:

record function-call-history begin, end
Prints functions beginning with function number begin until function number end.
The function number end is included.

The docs mention mostly functions, but are a bit inconsistent and mention lines occasionally.
Which is understandable, as they are equivalent without my patches.
The size setting only mentions lines, I didn't realize that before:

set record function-call-history-size size
set record function-call-history-size unlimited
Define how many lines to print in the record function-call-history command. (...)

For the instruction-history the docs don't ever mention lines, e.g.: 

set record instruction-history-size size
set record instruction-history-size unlimited
Define how many instructions to disassemble in the record instruction-history command. (...)

I propose to update the documentation to not mention lines (but functions) for
'set record function-call-history-size'. I know changing "existing documented behavior" is
usually not the best idea, but in my view it clearly improves usability in this case. 
It could be seen as improving the docs - not changing behavior - anyway, as they are inconsistent.
What do you think?


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