Use of an external variant implementation

Tom Tromey
Fri Jul 30 14:05:39 GMT 2021

Simon> Could we instead use an existing implementation such as this one?


This one claims to be BSD-licensed, but I looked a bit more and one of
the header files has a different license:

    // Original license:
    // Copyright (c) 2002-2003
    // Eric Friedman, Itay Maman
    // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
    // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

So this seems a bit odd.

In principle I think it's fine to include something like this.  Coming
up with a list of requirements off the top of my head, I'd say:

* Must be GPL compatible
* ... and be correct in its use of its own license
* Be as standards-compatible as possible
  (so when we update to a new version of C++ we can drop it)
* Not introduce any new dependencies

That's all I could think of, but maybe I missed some?

On our side I think the other thing to do is make sure the origin and
import instructions for any such code are clear.

Simon> The only downside I see is that the API doesn't seem to match
Simon> std::variant's API exactly.  For example, the standard version uses
Simon> std::visit, while that version uses an apply_visitor function.  But I am
Simon> pretty sure we would be able to make a little shim so that we are able
Simon> to use the standard version when __cplusplus is >= 2017, and that
Simon> version otherwise.

I'd be fine with this sort of thing.

Simon> The idea would be to copy just the few relevant headers in our repo,
Simon> like we do for readline or other external software.  We could also use
Simon> a submodule, I don't really mind.

It's hard to introduce a submodule for the first time.
Maybe we should keep avoiding it.


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