New ARI warning Wed Oct 2 01:56:22 UTC 2019

Simon Marchi
Wed Oct 2 17:39:00 GMT 2019

On 2019-10-02 1:35 p.m., Tom Tromey wrote:
> I believe that in most regexp syntax, a "]" doesn't need to be quoted in
> a character class, provided it is either the first character (like
> "[]...]") or comes immediately after the "^" (like "[^]...]").
> The gawk manual mentions this, though it does also recommend using
> backslash, so maybe I should just do that.
> (info "(gawk) Bracket Expressions")
>        To include one of the characters '\', ']', '-', or '^' in a bracket
>     expression, put a '\' in front of it.  For example:
>          [d\]]
>     matches either 'd' or ']'.  Additionally, if you place ']' right after
>     the opening '[', the closing bracket is treated as one of the characters
>     to be matched.

Well, as  long as the regex does what it is meant to do, I am fine with it.

I just thought that it would be nice to have a small comment that explains
what it does, prevent using %p to print raw pointers, but allow the gdb


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