Warning when using separate debug info file

LRN lrn1986@gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 15:53:00 GMT 2019

On 18.04.2019 15:53, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>> From: LRN
>> Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 23:06:19 +0300
>> I've reported it to the bugtracker, but no one seems to be interested in fixing
>> this, and i have no idea why this happens (although i do have a hypothesis).
> What is your hypothesis, if I may ask?

Found the bug report[0], by the way.

The hypothesis is...actually, no, i have no idea. I mean, it's obvious that gdb
expects to find that section in a separate debug file for some reason. Probably
because separate debug files are just PE binaries, and the code that reads them
is heavily re-used. Or maybe gdb supports recursive debuglinks?

Either way, the workaround, as you've already surmised, is to placate gdb by
adding a .gnu_debuglink section to the separate debug file. The trick is to
ensure that it passes the CRC32 check.

[0]: https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=14527

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