Warning when using separate debug info file

LRN lrn1986@gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 20:06:00 GMT 2019

On 17.04.2019 20:37, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> I tried debugging a program on MS-Windows after moving the debug info
> to a separate file
> When I then invoke GDB, it does find the symbols, but emits a warning:
>   Reading symbols from ./e.exe...Reading symbols from d:\foo\bar\e.debug...
>   warning: section .gnu_debuglink not found in d:\foo\bar\e.debug

I'm too lazy to explain this right now. Here's a Python program (attached) that
creates separate debug info files that do not produce this warning.

I've reported it to the bugtracker, but no one seems to be interested in fixing
this, and i have no idea why this happens (although i do have a hypothesis).
-------------- next part --------------
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    split-debug.py - splits debug symbols from executables into separate files
#    Copyright © 2012  LRN
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import subprocess
import hashlib
import stat
import re
import struct
import platform

def which (program):
    import os
    def is_exe(fpath):
        return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)

    fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
    if fpath:
        if is_exe(program):
            return program
        elif not program.endswith ('.exe') and is_exe (program + '.exe'):
            return program + '.exe'
        for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
            path = path.strip('"')
            exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
            if is_exe(exe_file):
                return exe_file
            elif not program.endswith ('.exe') and is_exe (exe_file + '.exe'):
                return exe_file + '.exe'

    return None

__known_binary_files = {}
__known_non_binary_files = {}
__linked_binary_files = {}
__target_pe_magic = None

if os.name == 'nt':
  import win32file

  def get_read_handle (filename):
    if os.path.isdir(filename):
      dwFlagsAndAttributes = win32file.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS
      dwFlagsAndAttributes = 0
    return win32file.CreateFile (

  def get_unique_id (hFile):
      created_at, accessed_at, written_at,
      file_hi, file_lo,
      index_hi, index_lo
    ) = win32file.GetFileInformationByHandle (hFile)
    return volume, index_hi, index_lo

  def is_same_file (filename1, filename2):
    hFile1 = get_read_handle (filename1)
    hFile2 = get_read_handle (filename2)
    are_equal = (get_unique_id (hFile1) == get_unique_id (hFile2))
    hFile2.Close ()
    hFile1.Close ()
    return are_equal

  def nt_is_link (filename):
    bs_filename = filename.replace ('/', '\\')
    dirname = os.path.dirname (bs_filename)
    p = subprocess.Popen ([os.environ['ComSpec'], '/C', 'dir', dirname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    o, e = p.communicate ()
    if p.returncode != 0:
      return True
    bn = os.path.basename (filename)
    if '<SYMLINK>      ' + bn + ' [' in o and ' ' + bn + '\n' not in o:
      return True
    return False

  def is_same_file (filename1, filename2):
    s1 = os.stat (filename1)
    s2 = os.stat (filename2)
    are_equal = s1.st_ino == s2.st_ino
    return are_equal

def is_binary_file (f):
  if f in __known_non_binary_files:
    return False
  if f in __known_binary_files:
    return True
  return is_pe_file (f)

def is_pe_file (f):
  head = []
    with open (f, 'rb') as r:
      b = r.read (30*2 + 4)
      if len (b) != 30*2 + 4:
        __known_non_binary_files[f] = False
        return False
      signature, bytes_in_last_block, blocks_in_file, num_relocs, header_paragraphs, min_extra_paragraphs, max_extra_paragraphs, ss, sp, checksum, ip, cs, \
          reloc_table_offset, overlay_number, reserved1, oemid, oeminfo, reserved2, exe_offset = struct.unpack ('2s HHHHHHHHHHHHH 8s HH 20s i', b)
      if signature != 'MZ':
        __known_non_binary_files[f] = False
        return False
      b = r.read (4)
      r.seek (exe_offset)
      b = r.read (4)
      if b != 'PE\0\0':
        __known_non_binary_files[f] = False
        return False
      b = r.read (20)
      if len (b) != 20:
        __known_non_binary_files[f] = False
        return False
      machine, number_of_sections, time_date_stamp, pointer_to_symbol_table, number_of_symbols, size_of_optional_header, characteristics = struct.unpack ('H H I I I H H', b)
      b = r.read (96)
      if len (b) != 96:
        __known_non_binary_files[f] = False
        return False
      magic, major_linker_ver, minor_linker_ver, size_of_code, size_of_init_data, size_of_unint_data, address_of_entry_point, \
          base_of_code, base_of_data, image_base, section_alignment, file_alignment, major_os_version, minor_os_version, major_image_version, minor_image_version, \
          major_subsys_version, minor_subsys_version, w32_version_value, size_of_image, size_of_headers, checksum, subsystem, dll_characteristics, size_of_stack_reserve, \
          size_of_stack_commit, size_of_heap_reserve, size_of_heap_commit, loader_flags, number_of_rva_and_sizes = struct.unpack ('H BB IIIIIIIII HHHHHH IIII HH IIIIII', b)
      if magic != __target_pe_magic:
        __known_non_binary_files[f] = False
        return False
    # Fails for files with weird names (they are usually not PE binaries anyway, so return False)
    return False
  __known_binary_files[f] = True
  return True

#def is_archive_file (f):
#  head = []
#  with open (f, 'rb') as r:
#    head = r.read (8)
#  if len (head) == 8 and head == '!<arch>\n':
#    __known_binary_files[f] = True
#    return True
#  __known_non_binary_files[f] = False
#  return False

def main ():
  global __target_pe_magic
  dir_to_scan = sys.argv[1]
  nostrip = []
  nostrip_unneeded = []
  ignore = []
  target = None
  for a in sys.argv[1:]:
    if a[:10] == '--nostrip=':
      nostrip.append (a[10:])
    elif a[:19] == '--nostrip-unneeded=':
      nostrip_unneeded.append (a[19:])
    elif a[:9] == '--ignore=':
      ignore.append (a[9:])
    elif a[:9] == '--target=':
      target = a[9:]
  if target is None:
    cpy = "objcopy"
    if platform.architecture ()[0] == '32bit':
      __target_pe_magic = 0x10b
      __target_pe_magic = 0x20b
    cpy = target + '-objcopy'
    if 'x86_64' in target:
      __target_pe_magic = 0x20b
      __target_pe_magic = 0x10b
  objcopy = which (cpy)
  if objcopy is None:
    print ("Failed to find {}".format (cpy))
    return -1
  for root, dirs, files in os.walk (dir_to_scan):
    for fn in files:
      f = os.path.join (root, fn)
      if is_binary_file (f):
        if fn[-4:] == '.dbg':
        if os.name == 'nt':
          is_link = nt_is_link (f)
          st = os.lstat (f)
          is_link = stat.S_ISLNK (st.st_mode)
        if is_link:
          print ("Skipping, since this file is a symlink - {}".format (f))
        print ("Processing file {} in directory {}".format (fn, root))
        rc = process_binary_file (root, fn, f, nostrip, nostrip_unneeded, ignore, objcopy)
        if not rc == 0:
          print ("ERROR: {}".format (rc))
  return 0

def get_file_hash (f):
  h = hashlib.md5 ()
  with open (f, 'rb') as src:
    while True:
      r = src.read (1024 * 64)
      if not r:
      h.update (r)
  return h.digest ()

def process_binary_file (root, fn, f, nostrip_list, nostrip_unneeded_list, ignore_list, objcopy):
  dbg = "{}.dbg".format (fn)
  dbg_abs = os.path.join (root, dbg)
  if os.path.exists (dbg_abs) and os.path.isfile (dbg_abs) and is_binary_file (dbg_abs):
    print ("Skipping: dbg file already exists: {}".format (dbg_abs))
    return 0
  h = get_file_hash (f)
  linked = __linked_binary_files.get (h, None)
  if linked is not None and is_same_file (f, linked[0]):
    print ("Skipping: file {} is already stripped as {} and linked to {}".format (f, linked[0], linked[1]))
    return 0
  # This is can be done in a much shorter way, but gdb will warn about missing
  #  .gnu_debuglink section in _.dbg_ file (because it does not have one;
  #  but it isn't required to have one!)
  # Here's what it does:
  #   create a dbg file with proper debug info:
  # objcopy --only-keep-debug orig dbg
  #   add a link to the original file, pointing at the dbg file (adds the
  #   .gnu_debuglink section)
  # objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink="dbg" orig
  #   re-create the dbg file; this time it will ALSO have the .gnu_debuglink
  #   section
  # objcopy --only-keep-debug orig dbg
  #   remove old .gnu_debuglink section from the original file
  # objcopy --remove-section=.gnu_debuglink orig
  #   strip debug-info from the original file
  # objcopy --strip-debug orig
  #   add a new .gnu_debuglink section to the original file
  # objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink="dbg" orig
  # This way dbg file gets a .gnu_debuglink section (doesn't matter where
  # it's pointing), and its contents pass the CRC32 check
  # Shorter way:
  # objcopy --only-keep-debug orig dbg
  # objcopy --strip-debug orig
  # objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink="dbg" orig
  def popen_and_print (l):
    print ('"' + '" "'.join (l) + '"')
    sys.stdout.flush ()
    return subprocess.Popen (l)

  for ign in ignore_list:
    if f.endswith (ign):
      print ("Ignore {}".format (f))
      return 0

  print ("Separating debug info from {} into {}".format (f, dbg_abs))
  oc = popen_and_print ([objcopy, '--only-keep-debug', f, dbg_abs])
  oc.communicate ()
  if not oc.returncode == 0:
    return oc.returncode
  print ("Creating a debuginfo link to {} in {}".format (dbg_abs, f))
  oc = popen_and_print ([objcopy, '--add-gnu-debuglink={}'.format (dbg_abs), f])
  oc.communicate ()
  if not oc.returncode == 0:
    return oc.returncode
  print ("Separating (again) debug info from {} into {}".format (f, dbg_abs))
  oc = popen_and_print ([objcopy, '--only-keep-debug', f, dbg_abs])
  oc.communicate ()
  if not oc.returncode == 0:
    return oc.returncode
  print ("Removing old .gnu_debuglink section from {}".format (f))
  st = popen_and_print ([objcopy, '--remove-section=.gnu_debuglink', f])
  st.communicate ()
  if not st.returncode == 0:
    return oc.returncode
  do_strip = True
  do_strip_unneeded = True
  for nostrip in nostrip_list:
    if f.endswith (nostrip):
      do_strip = False
  for nostrip in nostrip_unneeded_list:
    if f.endswith (nostrip):
      do_strip_unneeded = False
  if do_strip:
    strip_unneeded = []
    if not do_strip_unneeded:
      strip_unneeded.append ('--strip-unneeded')
    print ("Stripping debug info from {}".format (f))
    st = popen_and_print ([objcopy, '--strip-debug'] + strip_unneeded + [f])
    st.communicate ()
    if not st.returncode == 0:
      return st.returncode
    print ("Not stripping {}".format (f))
  print ("Creating (again) a debuginfo link to {} in {}".format (dbg_abs, f))
  oc = popen_and_print ([objcopy, '--add-gnu-debuglink={}'.format (dbg_abs), f])
  oc.communicate ()
  if not oc.returncode == 0:
    return oc.returncode
  h = get_file_hash (f)
  __linked_binary_files[h] = (f, dbg_abs)
  return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
  sys.exit (main ())
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