[PP?] Re: [PATCH] Use -qualified flag when setting temporary breakpoint in start command

Simon Marchi simon.marchi@polymtl.ca
Tue Apr 9 22:02:00 GMT 2019

On 2019-04-09 13:12, André Pönitz wrote:
> I wonder whether there's still a chance to have a(n additional) way
> to specify the effect of -qualified using a syntax that is the same
> across GDB versions.
> I have pretty much the same effect like Simon for 'start' for a feature
> 'Break on abort()' in 'my' IDE, that post-8.1 triggers on any function
> called 'abort'.
> Even with the Python interface there seems to be no way to have
> a single way to set the breakpoint short of having Pre/Post81Breakpoint
> classes using different base constructors and try:/except...:
> to find the matching version.
> To be honest, I am tempted to call the whole pattern matching on
> function names a mis-feature. C++ name resolution is not really
> compatible with regexps, so at the very least when naming the
> global explicitly ('b ::abort') there should be no match on
> 'struct Foo { void abort() {} };'

There is no pattern matching/regexp happening here.  The wild matching 
introduced in 8.1 just means that the identifier that you look up may be 
at any level, under some namespace or class.

Unless I am missing something, I believe that 'b ::abort' should do what 
you want, and the current behavior is simply buggy.


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