time to release soon? GDB 8.1.1 release 2018-05-14 update

Joel Brobecker brobecker@adacore.com
Fri May 18 19:14:00 GMT 2018

> Joel> Agreed that the second patch is a little invasive. Looking at the first
> Joel> one, it seems very localized, and can only affect Rust. If you feel
> Joel> confident that the patch is safe, we could just create a PR number
> Joel> for this issue, add it to the ChangeLog and revision log, and then
> Joel> use version #1 for the 8.1 branch.
> If the DWARF reader patch goes in 8.1, then I will do that.
> Otherwise I probably won't.  I'm not very concerned about -readnow; I
> think pretty much only gdb developers use it or should use it.

OK with me. But wouldn't the issue surface as well without -readnow,
when expanding the partial symtab?

Regarding the DWARF reader patch, I'd say we put it in 8.1.1.
We haven't had any strong feedback on that question, but the feedback
we received so far has been more in favor of including it.  I don't
think the patch is so risky that it should be excluded (most of it
is purely mechanical); and since Sergio mentioned Fedora was going
to apply it, we might as well give it to everyone ;-). Worse case
scenario, if it causes problems, I can always do an emergency 8.1.2.


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