[PATCH v4 0/4] catch syscall group

Sergio Durigan Junior sergiodj@redhat.com
Tue May 12 23:26:00 GMT 2015

On Tuesday, May 12 2015, Doug Evans wrote:

>> What exactly are you refering to?  Generating the XML files using
>> xsltproc when compiling GDB?  I will assume this in the rest of the
>> message, but if that's not what you meant, then please disconsider.
> Ah.  I figured people know what --enable-maintainer-mode is. :-)

I always knew GDB had it, but I confess I never tried it myself.

> --enable-maintainer-mode is a configure time option that turns
> on some makefile dependency checking that is normally off.
> It is used, for example, to automagically regenerate configure
> when configure.ac changes, and only when make's
> standard processing says they need regenerating: i.e.,
> when the timestamp of the generated file is older than a timestamp
> of one of its dependencies.
> What happens if the user doesn't supply --enable-maintainer-mode
> when configuring? [which is the norm]
> Then the dependencies are turned off and no automagic regeneration
> is done (which is what one would want for a default).

Right, thanks for explaining.  I don't know if a lot of people use this
or not (it seems to me that they don't), but yeah, since we have it...

>> I don't necessarily oppose hooking the XML generation into the
>> --enable-maintainer-mode option, but I'm having the impression that we
>> are bloating this feature more and more, without much gain.  Unless I'm
>> really blind to some benefit, in which case I apologize in advance.
> What I'm asking for is trivial to do (there's already boilerplate
> to cut-n-paste-n-tweak form), *and* it is s.o.p.
> [If people want a different configure option than --enable-maintainer-mode
> than it'll involve a bit more work, but it's still all s.o.p.]
> I really don't think I'm asking for anything unusual or excessive.

If what you're asking is trivial to do, then sure, I agree!  I mean,
we've gone this far already, right?  :-)

Thanks for the e-mail, and sorry if I sounded harsh.

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