[PATCH] Make only user-specified executable filenames sticky

Joel Brobecker brobecker@adacore.com
Wed Jun 3 17:23:00 GMT 2015

> Though maybe we're trying to make gdb
> too smart, as in, some obscure cases things may go wrong,
> depending on program/binary and target you connect to,
> which is confusing.

After quickly going through the discussion, I tend to agree.
How about:
  (1) Provide a way to recover the situation _after_ the "attach";
  (2) Print a warning if the attach notices that the executable name
      does not match the one given by the user, and include the
      procedure for fixing it if the user made an error.

We could do this in two steps:

  a. Push Gary's patch today, after having enhanced it to print
     a warning when discrepancies are discovered;

  b. Work on a way to achieve (1), and then enhance the warning
     to mention how to resolve this issue.

That way, we could have (a) in time for 7.10, and work for (b)
without delaying 7.10. Whether (b) makes it to 7.10 will then
depend on how quickly we find a solution, but it's OK IMO for it
to provide that in a later release.


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