[PATCH] Add real-type to MI output

Vladimir Prus vladimir@codesourcery.com
Tue Feb 17 06:26:00 GMT 2015

Hi Simon,

On 02/17/2015 03:22 AM, Simon Marchi wrote:
> This patch adds a new "real-type" field to MI output, so that whenever
> we give the type of a variable, we also give its real type. By real
> type, I mean the type after resolving all layers of typedefs (i.e. what
> check_typedef does).
> [more about the name choice lower]
> We are trying to solve a minor annoyance in Eclipse CDT. When a pointer
> is declared using a typedef in a structure, such as:
>    typedef int* IntPointer;
>    struct ExampleStruct {
>      IntPointer member;
>    };
>    struct ExampleStruct e;
> the response from gdb when listing the children of "e" looks like:
>    ^done,numchild="1",children=[child={name="var3.member",exp="member",numchild="1",type="IntPointer",thread-id="1"}],has_more="0"
> CDT has no easy way of knowing that type "IntPointer" is a pointer, and
> that it should ask gdb for the value of "member" and display it.
> Instead, it assumes that it's a structure and displays "{...}" as the
> value. By adding the real-type information:
> ...,type="IntPointer",real-type="int *",...
> CDT is able to determine that "member" has a value of its own and
> display it. By teaching CDT about that new field, we get the right
> result:
>    http://i.imgur.com/Sx5ZPfO.png

I don't think it's the best way to accomplish the desired effect. Instead, you can invoke -var-list-children with the
--simple-values option. Then, you'd have either "{...}" as value or the pointer value reported directly by GDB. You'd
also potentially save a roundtrip to get the value.

Actually, just did something similar internally - it was a bit tricky to get that in Eclipse DSF, and I had a special
case, but still seems better than expanding the interface with GDB?

Another case, what do you do with std::shared_ptr<Foo> or boost::shared_ptr<Foo>? Both would be naturally shown
similarly to Foo* - where you see the value immediately and can expand the object - and GDB would be able to do
so with a suitable pretty-printer, but if a frontend is supposed to parse types, that won't work.

> About the naming:
> Right now, the term "real type" means the run-time type, in the sense of
> looking at an object through a pointer to a virtual class. However, it's
> not part of any API or significant user interface (only one I found is
> in the output of "whatis"), so it's not set in stone. If I could
> choose, I would give "real type" the meaning of the current patch, and
> call the other one the "runtime type". Or is there already a term for it?
> What do you think?
> Other ideas that went through my mind, if "real type" is not an option:
>   * canonical-type
>   * resolved-type
>   * underlying-type
> Another issue. It doesn't affect us, but I wasn't sure about this case:
>    struct blah {
>      ...
>    };
>    typedef struct blah blah_t;
>    blah_t *b;
> What should real-type return for b? Right now it returns "blah_t *", but
> should it return "struct blah *" instead?

If if were to return 'struct blah *', what would frontend do? Try to parse the type?
Trying to parse 'int *' is already a tad risky - i.e. do you handle all possible syntax,

	std::vector<My::Namespace::C> *

Quite some time ago we discussed the idea of exposing GDB type system to a frontend:


However, that will not be easy, and so far, frontends did not need entire type.

Vladimir Prus
CodeSourcery / Mentor Embedded

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