[RFA 1/3] Linespec rewrite: Parsing

asmwarrior asmwarrior@gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 13:03:00 GMT 2012

On 2012-3-20 5:20, Keith Seitz wrote:
> Hello,
> Let me again apologize for the size of this patch. Basically, this is
> going to be the "interesting" bits for reviewers. This patch is really
> huge. Bigger than linespec.c itself. Much of this is simply diff noise
> caused by some "new" functions looking too much like "old" functions and
> diff trying to be too clever.

I tried your patches under msys and mingw, and the result looks like break the existing mechanism, here is the log I try to set a bp in Codeblocks's source, but it failed :

[debug]> break "E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/token.cpp:64"
[debug]unmatched quote

This command works OK before:

[debug]> break "E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/token.cpp:64"
[debug]No source file named E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/token.cpp.
[debug]Breakpoint 2 ("E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/token.cpp:64) pending.

Yuanhui Zhang
Code::Blocks developer

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