[commit] Remove outdated comment in symtab.h.

Doug Evans dje@google.com
Tue Jan 31 18:20:00 GMT 2012


I had to go back to gdb 5.2.1 to find when the macro this comment was for
to existed.  Yikes.


2012-01-31  Doug Evans  <dje@google.com>

	* symtab.h: Remove outdated comment.

Index: symtab.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/gdb/symtab.h,v
retrieving revision 1.198
diff -u -p -r1.198 symtab.h
--- symtab.h	16 Jan 2012 20:40:51 -0000	1.198
+++ symtab.h	31 Jan 2012 17:46:34 -0000
@@ -254,17 +254,9 @@ extern char *symbol_demangled_name (cons
   (demangle ? SYMBOL_NATURAL_NAME (symbol) : SYMBOL_LINKAGE_NAME (symbol))
 extern int demangle;
-/* Macro that tests a symbol for a match against a specified name string.
-   First test the unencoded name, then looks for and test a C++ encoded
-   name if it exists.  Note that whitespace is ignored while attempting to
-   match a C++ encoded name, so that "foo::bar(int,long)" is the same as
-   "foo :: bar (int, long)".
-   Evaluates to zero if the match fails, or nonzero if it succeeds.  */
-/* Macro that tests a symbol for a match against a specified name
-   string.  It tests against SYMBOL_NATURAL_NAME, and it ignores
-   whitespace and trailing parentheses.  (See strcmp_iw for details
-   about its behavior.)  */
+/* Return non-zero if NAME matches the "natural" name of SYMBOL.
+   Whitespace and trailing parentheses are ignored.
+   See strcmp_iw for details about its behavior.  */
 #define SYMBOL_MATCHES_NATURAL_NAME(symbol, name)			\
   (strcmp_iw (SYMBOL_NATURAL_NAME (symbol), (name)) == 0)

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