comments formatting [Re: [patch] physname regression: Non-matching type false breakpoint]

Alfred M. Szmidt
Sun Jun 5 22:25:00 GMT 2011

   >    OK (in VIM it is gq} or gqip ).  I use 79 columns instead of 70.
   >    So in the case of 70 columns what would be the right formatting of:
   >    /* The strchr check is there if any types were specified verify the single found found parameter types really match those specified by user in COPY.  */

   This is not a quote of my text, I wrote:
	/* The strchr check is there if any verify the single found found parameter foo types really match those specified by user in COPY.  */

It (c-fill-paragraph) will reformat it correctly, comment starting at
column 0:

/* The strchr check is there if any verify the single found found
   parameter foo types really match those specified by user in
   COPY.  */

Starting at column 8:

        /* The strchr check is there if any verify the single found
           found parameter foo types really match those specified by
           user in COPY.  */

This applies only to the C mode though, since it takes care to look at
how comments start and end; the normal text function, fill-paragraph,
does not do that and pretends that a closing comment signature is just
a normal word.  In which case it would format it like so (column 0):

/* The strchr check is there if any verify the single found found
   parameter foo types really match those specified by user in COPY.

   > It would be the one I produced in the previous email:

   The text I provided was specially crafted to hit the same problem
   with 70 columns as I faced with the 79 columns and as I / others
   will face in the future.

   When the GNU Coding Standard does describe the comments formatting
   rules one has to unfortunately reverse engineer them from Emacs.

I think that the dangling */ on a single line is a cosmetic thing that
hasn't been thought of that much; it looks ugly to have it on a single

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