[patch 2/3] Implement support for PowerPC BookE ranged watchpoints

Pedro Alves pedro@codesourcery.com
Sat Nov 27 17:47:00 GMT 2010

On Friday 26 November 2010 21:15:22, Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

> So in your opinion, the watch command should always use two watchpoint
> registers to set up a ranged watchpoint in BookE ppc? I'm a bit
> reluctant to use all the watchpoint registers to set up one
> watchpoint...

Blame the hardware designers, not me.  :-)

> Then comes the question of how to support the PPC_BREAKPOINT_MODE_EXACT
> behaviour... A new flag or command to let the user "opt in" to a less
> capable watchpoint, but one which uses less hardware resources?

Yes, that's what I think we should do.  I can help you code this,
but I'm going computer-less real soon now until the 3rd December,
and I'll only be able to help/review changes then onwards.

Here's what I think we should do in more detail:

 1 - make ppc-linux-nat.c insert ranged watchpoints for len > 1.

 2 - make ppc-linux-nat.c insert exact watchpoints when len == 1.

with the above, watchpoints will behave as core gdb wants,
while we will still use only one register in the case that
is possible.

 3 - add a new command to let the user select that gdb should
     trust that primitive types are always accessed through their
     address (== exact).
     My opinion is that it should be off by default, on the
     grounds that most users aren't and shouldn't be that
     familiar with the debug support of the chip or target
     they're using.  Users want things to Just Work.
     Every case that gdb doesn't behave the way it is
     supposed to by default, and there's diverging behavior
     in different target, is a case for frustration, bug
     reports, and support requests.  Another argument is that
     simulators/emulators (think qemu, for example) may not
     have this limitation, and can implement the RSP
     watchpoint packets as gdb expects (always ranged).

 4 - implementation wise, when the option added in #3 is
     enabled, gdb (breakpoint.c) checks if the memory being watched
     corresponds to a scalar type.  (or, going a step
     further, if wrapped in a structure or union or array,
     that only contains a single scalar, recursively).  If
     true, then the "struct value" gdb used to record the
     expression's current value (for comparison with the
     new value whenever the low level watchpoint triggers) is
     the same as usual, but, the watchpoint location that is associated
     with the watchpoint is set to have length == 1, instead of
     the whole width of the watched memory range.
     This way, the target is requested to watch a single
     byte at the scalar's address.  Note how due to the
     change done in #2, ppc-linux-nat.c will insert an 
     PPC_BREAKPOINT_MODE_EXACT in this case.

     This means that no changes to the target_insert_watchpoint
     interface are required.  This also means that no 
     changes to the remote protocol are required.  If
     the new option is on, and the user wants to watch
     an "int i", whose address is 0xD3ADB33F, the target
     will see a "Z2,D3ADB33F,1" request.  That is, watch
     writes to the 1 byte long range starting at D3ADB33F.
     That is the same as saying trap only on writes to

     This also means that no new breakpoint_ops type
     is required either.  A new flag in the breakpoint will do
     (so that the "exact" property of watchpoints already
     created is preserved if the user flips the switch).

WDYT?  Sounds reasonable?  I'd prefer doing these changes
as first step.  I haven't looked yet at what kind of masks
masked watchpoints support, but if they only support masks in the form
of (binary) 11110000, 1111111100, etc. (no alternating 1s and 0s),
then no target_insert_watchpoint or remote protocol change is
required either for those.

Pedro Alves

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