[PATCH] avoid GDB crash on inspection of pascal arrays

Joel Brobecker brobecker@adacore.com
Tue Mar 9 05:17:00 GMT 2010

>   Formatting with the tab/spaces conversion is still a nightmare
> for me...

(you could get me started on a rambling about the rid^H^H^Huse of
tabs instead of spaces in our source code - I just can't get over
these tabs)

> I really don't know vi enough to reformat correctly an almost 100
> lines long block... Is there a neat way to do this just with vi
> or do I need something more powerful?

I think that the canonical tool for formatting is emacs. Each time
I mentioned the idea of getting rid of tabs, some said that the
formatting rules need to match what emacs does. For a GNU project,
it's probably fair.

Unfortunately, I don't remember emacs anymore. There has to be an
equivalent way in vim (auto-formatting with a single command), but
I don't know, so here is how I do it with vim:

  1. Get rid of all tabs first, they get in the way of selecting
     the columns I want to delete or add:
        :set expandtab
        select all the lines I want to reformat (shift-v)
        while the selection is still active, enter
        (the '<,'> should appear automatically after you pressed :)
  2. Delete the columns you want to delete:
        select the rectangle you want to delete (ctrl-v)
        while the selection is active, press d
  3. Re-introduce the tabs:
        :set noexpandtab
        re-select all the lines to be tabified (shift-v)
        while the selection is active, enter:

Attached is a couple of patches:
  p-valprint-reformat.diff: The reformat itself;
  p-valprint-reformat-w: The same diff, but with -w, to show that there
                         were no other real change except the removal
                         of the curly braces.
Can you test p-valprint-reformat.diff and then commit if it's OK?


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