Time to switch from CVS to GIT? [Re: [v8] multi-executable support]

Joel Brobecker brobecker@adacore.com
Wed Oct 14 22:19:00 GMT 2009

(I'm evil - I could help doing some advocating, sorry!)

> I don't recall this being discussed, sorry if it has been.
> Should we switch to git as the primary repository?

It actually has been discussed; some of the discussion was on
the binutils list.  There's a few of us who'd like to see it happen,
but it's not easy, because of partial checkouts.  GDB is part of
a larger repository (src) and we'd need to a plan to make sure
that a transition to any other VC system does not introduce new
issues.  There's also been some resistance towards git from some
of the contributors and maintainers.


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