[PATCH] New annotation for threads

Joel Brobecker brobecker@adacore.com
Wed May 21 09:33:00 GMT 2008

> > | Separate unrelated change log entries with blank lines. When two entries
> > | represent parts of the same change, so that they work together, then
> > | don't put blank lines between them. Then you can omit the file name and
> > | the asterisk when successive entries are in the same file.
> That's extra manual work that we shouldn't insist on.  If several
> entries represent a single changeset, one can precede them with a
> single sentence saying what is the change about.

Traditionally, we have followed the advice of the GNU Coding standards
and not used the empty line when the changes were inter-related. I
personally find that this makes the entry more readable, and I suspect
that this was the reason behind the suggestion in the GCS - I can accept
however that this is a matter of taste and also probably habit as well.
But I think that asking someone to follow this rule is reasonable given
the little amount of extra work that it requires. I would also suggest
that emacs be fixed to follow the GCS.

That being said, I'm not going to argue pro or against what you suggest.
I am ok with the deviation if the other maintainers are.

But in the meantime, I have to continue to make sure that contributions
meet the GCS.


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