[patch] Parse DW_AT_ranges into PSYMTABS (for childless CU, for vDSO32)

Daniel Jacobowitz drow@false.org
Fri Nov 30 14:56:00 GMT 2007

On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 12:10:21PM +0100, Jan Kratochvil wrote:
> It was not reproducible for me but the problem is Vladimir's i386 crti.S has
> DW_AT_ranges which overlap the main code (due to its .fini part).  The main
> code full-symbols get ignored now due to it.
> Going to post a fix (try to load symtab for each matching psymtab?) and an
> updated testcase.

Jim, can we get your addrmap changes in as they are, instead of
working on a representation change (which was the state when they were
briefly discussed, in October)?  After that, it's simple to solve this
problem more accurately by using addrmaps for symtabs too, not just

Daniel Jacobowitz

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