[rfc] Shared libraries over the remote protocol, take two

Daniel Jacobowitz drow@false.org
Mon Jun 18 19:38:00 GMT 2007

On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 12:31:58PM -0700, Jim Blandy wrote:
> With the following DTD:
>     <!-- library-list: Root element with versioning -->
>     <!ELEMENT library-list  (library)*>
>     <!ATTLIST library-list  version CDATA   #FIXED  "1.0">
>     <!ELEMENT library       (segment)*>
>     <!ATTLIST library       name    CDATA   #REQUIRED>
>     <!ELEMENT segment       EMPTY>
>     <!ATTLIST segment       address CDATA   #REQUIRED>
> there's no way to have several segments at different offsets, because
> segments aren't allowed to have names.  Shouldn't segments have a name
> attribute?

I don't think we need to name them to do that.  If we did, we'd have
to define meanings for the names, and so forth...

  <library name="libc.so.1">
    <segment address="0x4000"/>
    <segment address="0x10000"/>

The first one will be the first PT_LOAD from the ELF file, et cetera.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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