To know the stopped reason from hook-stop

Masatake YAMATO
Tue Jul 31 21:32:00 GMT 2007

> > It's painful to watch people wrestle GDB's scripting language into
> > doing something useful.  If Daniel's patch to add Python as a
> > scripting language for GDB were in the public sources, then I could
> > say, "Don't worry about trying to fix GDB's horrible scripting
> > language, provide this data to Python."  I'm sure that's the better
> > investment.
> > 
> > At the same time, I don't want to make the mistake of saying, "Oh, no,
> > let's not commit that improvement, something much better is coming
> > along real soon now" when there are no specific plans for the much
> > better thing's arrival.
> > 
> > Daniel, have you had time to work on that patch since we last talked
> > about it?
> I just started work on it again Sunday.  I'll try to make some more
> time for it soon.
> I'm afraid I really don't like this patch.  Adding magic numbers is
> the only reasonable thing we can do in the existing CLI, but it is
> arcane and hard to work with.  Once there's a better language in
> place, we can be a lot more flexible.

I agree with you.

> (My scripting tree also has some patches to make using strings for
> this sort of thing easier.)


Masatake YAMATO

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