[patch] Parse DW_AT_ranges into PSYMTABS (for childless CU, for vDSO32)

Jim Blandy jimb@codesourcery.com
Sat Dec 1 00:55:00 GMT 2007

Daniel Jacobowitz <drow at false.org> writes:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 12:10:21PM +0100, Jan Kratochvil wrote:
>> It was not reproducible for me but the problem is Vladimir's i386 crti.S has
>> DW_AT_ranges which overlap the main code (due to its .fini part).  The main
>> code full-symbols get ignored now due to it.
>> Going to post a fix (try to load symtab for each matching psymtab?) and an
>> updated testcase.
> Jim, can we get your addrmap changes in as they are, instead of
> working on a representation change (which was the state when they were
> briefly discussed, in October)?  After that, it's simple to solve this
> problem more accurately by using addrmaps for symtabs too, not just
> blocks.

Sure, if Joel doesn't object.

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