hook to run on attach/exec?

Roland McGrath roland@redhat.com
Thu Jan 29 04:08:00 GMT 2004

I read someone mention somewhere recently that a new hook might be in the
works to be the spot where PIE support would figure out where the
executable got loaded.  Can someone give me the skinny?

For vsyscall DSO detection, the hook I need goes at the same place, I
think.  That is, a spot that gets run after an inferior execs (from "run"
or otherwise, skipping first "run" exec for the shell of course) or when
gdb attaches to an inferior or to a core dump image; i.e., whenever the
inferior's address space is freshly made or presumed to be.  Those are the
times you need to figure out where a PIE actually resides in memory, and
also the times you need to figure out where a system-supplied DSO is.

Last time I was looking into the vsyscall DSO support, it seemed like there
was no precisely appropriate hook already.  But I didn't know exactly what
to do about adding one.  Is my life easier now?


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