Dejagnu changes

Andrew Cagney
Mon Jan 19 19:48:00 GMT 2004


I just stumbled across this:

2004-01-18  Ben Elliston  <>

         * HACKING: New file describing hack rules.

I found it most puzzling.  Firstly I'd not seen a post to gdb-patches@ 
giving us a heads up, and secondly the information was somewhat 
redundant.  The top level MAINTAINERS file already related text vis ... 
Er, make that _did_ contain:

<       Send all patches to:
<       For changes to the local repostory, send them to
< when generic; and sid@,
<       binutils@, gcc@, etc. for sub-components.

This firstly ensured that patches were pushed up stream, and secondly 
ensure that  affected parties were kept informed of local changes (at 
the time the text was added, Rob was included in the discussions).

So what happend.  It turns out that back in August, the top-level 
MAINTAINERS file was changed to read:

 >       dejagnu:
 >       Patches to
 >       Avoid making changes to the local repository; please send
 >       patches upstream.  Important and approved patches can be
 >       checked into the src repository, otheriwse patches will be
 >       imported from the next release.

thus removing any expectation that gdb-patches@ along with other groups 
would be kept informed of local change.

Can you please point me at a post proposing this?  All I can find is the 
* Dejagnu merge, Ben Elliston


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