PATCH: Fork event updates, part the sixth

Daniel Jacobowitz
Tue Dec 10 18:22:00 GMT 2002

On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 01:32:12PM -0500, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> And here's the interesting one.  I shoved most of follow_inferior_fork down
> into hppah-nat; one common function (follow_inferior_reset_breakpoints)
> stays in infrun but the rest of infrun is greatly simplified.  This will
> lead to a little bit of code duplication on the GNU/Linux native
> child_follow_fork, but the remote target follow_fork is much simplified by
> not having to hack around detach_breakpoints().
> The post_follow_vfork target method is removed and replaced with a
> follow_fork method.  HP now holds vforks until all three of parent vfork,
> child vfork, child exec have been seen - it's not robust in the face of
> children which vfork and then _exit, but it wasn't to begin with.  This also
> lets me move some more HP-specific comments and hacks out of infrun and back
> into HP-specific code.  Yay!
> I also re-enable foll-vfork.exp on HP/UX.  It works now.  There is a comment
> about a kernel bug, but I'd prefer to turn the test on for now until we can
> figure out where if anywhere the kernel bug actually surfaces; it doesn't on
> any machines I have access to.
> I haven't done it yet but next will probably be a cleanup patch.  After this
> target_require_attach/target_require_detach can go away; they are now only
> called from HP-specific code.  That's the last two target methods on my
> immediate hit list.  So can a couple of macros that used to be checked in
> infrun, to do strange things to the vforking parent/child as needed.  I'll
> do that today if I get a chance.
> This will also go in early next week barring feedback.  You may be
> interested to know that the GNU/Linux support at this point is down to a
> thousand line unified diff:
>  25 files changed, 561 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
> (396 of that is in one file, half the rest is in infrun and the other half
> in lin-lwp.  Then a bunch of configuration changes to link in the new file.)
> So after these patches and some cleanup go in I'll probably be ready to post
> that.

It's in.

Daniel Jacobowitz
MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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