[PATCH RFC] abort() to internal_error()

Kevin Buettner kevinb@cygnus.com
Tue Feb 20 23:14:00 GMT 2001

On Feb 20, 11:51pm, Kevin Buettner wrote:

> ...  As is often the case for this sort of job, I used a Perl script
> to perform the substitutions.  I'll post the script as a reply to
> this message.

Below is the script that I used to create the patch consisting of the
abort () -> internal_error () substitutions.  This patch may be found


To run the script, simply cd to your gdb source directory (*not* the
top level directory though) and do:

    subst-abort-internal_error .

Note the dot.  If you like, you can skip the ``cd'' step and simply
provide the path to your gdb sources in place of the dot.  Again, the
path in question should be to your gdb directory, i.e, the one that
contains the file "infptrace.c".

Also note that most of you reading this message will not need to run
this script as I will commit the changes to the FSF repository in the
usual fashion.  Those of you with diverging source trees may wish to
run it on your sources to make your merging with the FSF repository

--- subst-abort-internal_error ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use File::Find;
use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open3;
use English;

my ($root) = @ARGV;

if (!defined($root)) {
    die "Usage: $0 root\n";

@ARGV = ();

    sub { 
	if ($_ eq 'testsuite' || $_ eq 'gdbserver' || (-d && /-share$/)) {
	    $File::Find::prune = 1;
	} elsif (-f && -T && /\.[hc]$/ && $_ ne "gnu-regex.c") {
	    push @ARGV, $File::Find::name;

undef $/;			# slurp entire files

while (<>) {
    s/\babort\ ?\(\);/internal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, "failed internal consistency check");/gx;
--- end subst-abort-internal_error ---

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