source listing change

Christopher Blizzard
Tue Apr 4 08:12:00 GMT 2000

"Daniel Berlin+list.gdb-patches" wrote:
> >>>>> "Chris" == Chris Faylor <> writes:
>     Chris> I guess it is obvious in retrospect that anything which is
>     Chris> using gdb as a back-end is not going to rely on 'list'.  I
>     Chris> guess I don't remember why this patch wasn't just added
>     Chris> as-is sans option.
> In fact, it makes even less sense the more i think about it (no
> offense, i'm just thinking out in email. Parsing is a hobby of
> mine. Written two full C++ parsers. shiver.).
> because the format is still technically the same.
> %d ><random source line>\n
> vs
> %d <random source line>\n
> I can't imagine anyone designing a regex parsing the list output
> format that this would affect.
> ([0-9]+)" "([^\n]+) over each line would give you the line number, and
> the rest of the line (I think).
> It wouldn't be affected by this change.
> My point is, their is nothing i can think of that would make something
> think this list format is different than a normal source file which
> happened to start with > on a single line.
> Chris> cgf

So, it sounds to me like everyone seems to think that it's a good idea
and that it won't break anything.


Christopher Blizzard
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over
here, looking through your stuff.

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