[Patch] OpenMP: Update gcc/fortran/*.texi

Tobias Burnus tobias@codesourcery.com
Thu Jul 23 09:51:38 GMT 2020

Except for a few known bugs (and a bunch of unknown ones),
I am not aware of any outstanding issues with OpenMP 4.5.
Additionally, the openmp_version claims 201511 (= 4.5).
Hence, state that 4.5 is supported – and OpenMP 5.0 is

I did update the .texi file to match the current content

However, compared to C/C++ I do note that the 'omp_depend_kind'
is missing, which in C/C++ omp.h is a struct of
size "char[2*sizeof(*void)]".
I fear that using 'integer(kind=2*c_intptr_t)' will not
work everywhere – hence, I did not add it with this patch.
(→ back to the drawingboard?)

Otherwise, C/C++'s omp.h only has some memory allocation
functions which currently (in OpenMP 5.0.0) do not have
a Fortran equivalent.

OK for the trunk?


Mentor Graphics (Deutschland) GmbH, Arnulfstraße 201, 80634 München / Germany
Registergericht München HRB 106955, Geschäftsführer: Thomas Heurung, Alexander Walter
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