How to handle Clone/Fork/Exec when traceSyscall is true

Yao Qi
Thu Jun 8 12:13:00 GMT 2006

At present(06/08/2006), to set tracing syscall, the Task requires that
traceSyscall boolean be set to true.  When a task is continued via 
sendContinue (), if the traceSyscall is true, PTRACE_SYSCALL is
used instead of using PTRACE_CONT.

The problem is that, take EXECVE syscall for example, the wait logic
will deliver SyscallEvent(Enter EXECVE Syscall) before ExecedEvent, and
then deliver SyscallEvent(Exit EXECVE Syscall), when traceSyscall is
true.  In current Task State Machine, ExecedEvent could not be handled
when StateMachine is in state "runningInSyscall".

If I enable testI386Regs, and set task.traceSyscall to true, the error
could be seen as follows,

Time: 0.313
There was 1 error:
1) testI386Regs(frysk.proc.TestI386Regs)java.lang.RuntimeException:
in state "runningInSyscall" did not handle handleExecedEvent

At first, I doubt that this problem is caused by Task State Machine,
and try to override handleExecedEvent in runningInSyscall, and then I
realize that it is not a good solution to this problem, so I give up
on this way.

And then, according to the semantics of ExecedEvent and SyscallEvent,
SyscallEvent is to notify when enter and exit Syscall(execve, in this
case), while ExecEvent is to update the state of Child(Correct me if I
am wrong), so both of them are right and necessary, but Frysk may be
confused by the order of these events.
If low-level wait logic could deliver SyscallEvents (Enter and Exit) 
before ExecedEvent, Frysk could handle SyscallEvents to do notification
and then handle ExecedEvent to update Child state without such error.

The key point here is how and where to deliver the couple of
SyscallEvents atomically, without permitting any other events are
inserted between them.  IMO, Linux kernel is a candidate to achieve
this, but I am not a guru in Linux kernel.  I am thinking how to put
ExecedEvent after SyscallEvent(Exit a Syscall) in Frysk, but I could
not reorder these two events in a reasonable way.  Any comments or
advice on this?  Thanks in advance!

Yao Qi

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