[patch] PR30378: debuginfod, _files table compression

Frank Ch. Eigler fche@elastic.org
Mon May 8 20:06:57 GMT 2023

Hi -

This is patch 1 of 2 of important filesystem usage reduction work for

commit 8ee1cc26b08f773c1c6d2f8ed2f68a88534cf93d
Author: Frank Ch. Eigler <fche@redhat.com>
Date:   Fri May 5 13:56:23 2023 -0400

    debuginfod: PR30378: better compression for _files table
    Split the _files table into two links into a new _fileparts table,
    interning the dirname and basename of each file name string.  This
    reduces storage requirements for many thousands of almost-identical
    long paths that are evident in large builds like kernels.
    This is unfortunately a schema-breaking change, so requires reindexing
    of the corpus.
    While in the vicinity, the file scan work queue is changed from a
    <set> to an <unordered_set>.  The intent is that files be scanned in a
    more random sequence instead of sorted.  If they're sorted, then files
    that contain errors will tend to be retried over and over again at the
    next scan cycle, even at the expense of making progress on the other
    files in the queue.
    Signed-off-by: Frank Ch. Eigler <fche@redhat.com>

diff --git a/debuginfod/debuginfod.cxx b/debuginfod/debuginfod.cxx
index a1ddeb569a36..7b19bb3a5d72 100644
--- a/debuginfod/debuginfod.cxx
+++ b/debuginfod/debuginfod.cxx
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ extern "C" {
 #include <cstring>
 #include <vector>
 #include <set>
+#include <unordered_set>
 #include <map>
 #include <string>
 #include <iostream>
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ string_endswith(const string& haystack, const string& needle)
 // Roll this identifier for every sqlite schema incompatibility.
-#define BUILDIDS "buildids9"
+#define BUILDIDS "buildids10"
 #define WITHOUT_ROWID "without rowid"
@@ -157,10 +158,23 @@ static const char DEBUGINFOD_SQLITE_DDL[] =
   // NB: all these are overridable with -D option
   // Normalization table for interning file names
-  "create table if not exists " BUILDIDS "_files (\n"
+  "create table if not exists " BUILDIDS "_fileparts (\n"
   "        id integer primary key not null,\n"
   "        name text unique not null\n"
   "        );\n"
+  "create table if not exists " BUILDIDS "_files (\n"
+  "        id integer primary key not null,\n"
+  "        dirname integer not null,\n"
+  "        basename integer not null,\n"
+  "        unique (dirname, basename),\n"
+  "        foreign key (dirname) references " BUILDIDS "_fileparts(id) on delete cascade,\n"
+  "        foreign key (basename) references " BUILDIDS "_fileparts(id) on delete cascade\n"
+  "        );\n"
+  "create view if not exists " BUILDIDS "_files_v as\n" // a 
+  "        select f.id, n1.name || '/' || n2.name as name\n"
+  "        from " BUILDIDS "_files f, " BUILDIDS "_fileparts n1, " BUILDIDS "_fileparts n2\n"
+  "        where f.dirname = n1.id and f.basename = n2.id;\n"
   // Normalization table for interning buildids
   "create table if not exists " BUILDIDS "_buildids (\n"
   "        id integer primary key not null,\n"
@@ -230,33 +244,33 @@ static const char DEBUGINFOD_SQLITE_DDL[] =
   "create view if not exists " BUILDIDS "_query_d as \n"
   "        b.hex as buildid, n.mtime, 'F' as sourcetype, f0.name as source0, n.mtime as mtime, null as source1\n"
-  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files f0, " BUILDIDS "_f_de n\n"
+  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f0, " BUILDIDS "_f_de n\n"
   "        where b.id = n.buildid and f0.id = n.file and n.debuginfo_p = 1\n"
   "union all select\n"
   "        b.hex as buildid, n.mtime, 'R' as sourcetype, f0.name as source0, n.mtime as mtime, f1.name as source1\n"
-  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files f0, " BUILDIDS "_files f1, " BUILDIDS "_r_de n\n"
+  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f0, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f1, " BUILDIDS "_r_de n\n"
   "        where b.id = n.buildid and f0.id = n.file and f1.id = n.content and n.debuginfo_p = 1\n"
   // ... and for E queries
   "create view if not exists " BUILDIDS "_query_e as \n"
   "        b.hex as buildid, n.mtime, 'F' as sourcetype, f0.name as source0, n.mtime as mtime, null as source1\n"
-  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files f0, " BUILDIDS "_f_de n\n"
+  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f0, " BUILDIDS "_f_de n\n"
   "        where b.id = n.buildid and f0.id = n.file and n.executable_p = 1\n"
   "union all select\n"
   "        b.hex as buildid, n.mtime, 'R' as sourcetype, f0.name as source0, n.mtime as mtime, f1.name as source1\n"
-  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files f0, " BUILDIDS "_files f1, " BUILDIDS "_r_de n\n"
+  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f0, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f1, " BUILDIDS "_r_de n\n"
   "        where b.id = n.buildid and f0.id = n.file and f1.id = n.content and n.executable_p = 1\n"
   // ... and for S queries
   "create view if not exists " BUILDIDS "_query_s as \n"
   "        b.hex as buildid, fs.name as artifactsrc, 'F' as sourcetype, f0.name as source0, n.mtime as mtime, null as source1, null as source0ref\n"
-  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files f0, " BUILDIDS "_files fs, " BUILDIDS "_f_s n\n"
+  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f0, " BUILDIDS "_files_v fs, " BUILDIDS "_f_s n\n"
   "        where b.id = n.buildid and f0.id = n.file and fs.id = n.artifactsrc\n"
   "union all select\n"
   "        b.hex as buildid, f1.name as artifactsrc, 'R' as sourcetype, f0.name as source0, sd.mtime as mtime, f1.name as source1, fsref.name as source0ref\n"
-  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files f0, " BUILDIDS "_files f1, " BUILDIDS "_files fsref, "
+  "        from " BUILDIDS "_buildids b, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f0, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f1, " BUILDIDS "_files_v fsref, "
   "        " BUILDIDS "_r_sdef sd, " BUILDIDS "_r_sref sr, " BUILDIDS "_r_de sde\n"
   "        where b.id = sr.buildid and f0.id = sd.file and fsref.id = sde.file and f1.id = sd.content\n"
   "        and sr.artifactsrc = sd.content and sde.buildid = sr.buildid\n"
@@ -271,6 +285,7 @@ static const char DEBUGINFOD_SQLITE_DDL[] =
   "union all select 'archive sdef',count(*) from " BUILDIDS "_r_sdef\n"
   "union all select 'buildids',count(*) from " BUILDIDS "_buildids\n"
   "union all select 'filenames',count(*) from " BUILDIDS "_files\n"
+  "union all select 'fileparts',count(*) from " BUILDIDS "_fileparts\n"  
   "union all select 'files scanned (#)',count(*) from " BUILDIDS "_file_mtime_scanned\n"
   "union all select 'files scanned (mb)',coalesce(sum(size)/1024/1024,0) from " BUILDIDS "_file_mtime_scanned\n"
@@ -281,10 +296,26 @@ static const char DEBUGINFOD_SQLITE_DDL[] =
 // schema change history & garbage collection
 // XXX: we could have migration queries here to bring prior-schema
-// data over instead of just dropping it.
+// data over instead of just dropping it.  But that could incur
+// doubled storage costs.
-// buildids9: widen the mtime_scanned table
+// buildids10: split the _files table into _parts
   "" // <<< we are here
+// buildids9: widen the mtime_scanned table
+  "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS buildids9_stats;\n"
+  "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS buildids9_r_de_idx;\n"
+  "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS buildids9_f_de_idx;\n"
+  "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS buildids9_query_s;\n"
+  "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS buildids9_query_e;\n"
+  "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS buildids9_query_d;\n"
+  "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS buildids9_r_sdef;\n"
+  "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS buildids9_r_sref;\n"
+  "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS buildids9_r_de;\n"
+  "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS buildids9_f_s;\n"
+  "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS buildids9_f_de;\n"
+  "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS buildids9_file_mtime_scanned;\n"
+  "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS buildids9_buildids;\n"
+  "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS buildids9_files;\n"
 // buildids8: slim the sref table
   "drop table if exists buildids8_f_de;\n"
   "drop table if exists buildids8_f_s;\n"
@@ -736,7 +767,7 @@ struct elfutils_exception: public reportable_exception
 template <typename Payload>
 class workq
-  set<Payload> q; // eliminate duplicates
+  unordered_set<Payload> q; // eliminate duplicates
   mutex mtx;
   condition_variable cv;
   bool dead;
@@ -825,6 +856,24 @@ inline bool operator< (const scan_payload& a, const scan_payload& b)
   return a.first < b.first; // don't bother compare the stat fields
+namespace std { // https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56480
+  template<> struct hash<::scan_payload>
+  {
+    std::size_t operator() (const ::scan_payload& p) const noexcept
+    {
+      return hash<string>()(p.first);
+    }
+  };
+  template<> struct equal_to<::scan_payload>
+  {
+    std::size_t operator() (const ::scan_payload& a, const ::scan_payload& b) const noexcept
+    {
+      return a.first == b.first;
+    }
+  };
 static workq<scan_payload> scanq; // just a single one
 // producer & idler: thread_main_fts_source_paths()
 // consumer: thread_main_scanner()
@@ -3040,10 +3089,64 @@ elf_classify (int fd, bool &executable_p, bool &debuginfo_p, string &buildid, se
+// Intern the given file name in two parts (dirname & basename) and
+// return the resulting file's id.
+static int64_t
+register_file_name(sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_fileparts,
+                   sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_file,
+                   sqlite_ps& ps_lookup_file,
+                   const string& name)
+  std::size_t slash = name.rfind('/');
+  string dirname, basename;
+  if (slash == std::string::npos)
+    {
+      dirname = "";
+      basename = name;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      dirname = name.substr(0, slash);
+      basename = name.substr(slash+1);
+    }
+  // intern the two substrings
+  ps_upsert_fileparts
+    .reset()
+    .bind(1, dirname)
+    .step_ok_done();
+  ps_upsert_fileparts
+    .reset()
+    .bind(1, basename)
+    .step_ok_done();
+  // intern the tuple
+  ps_upsert_file
+    .reset()
+    .bind(1, dirname)
+    .bind(2, basename)
+    .step_ok_done();
+  // look up the tuple's id
+  ps_lookup_file
+    .reset()
+    .bind(1, dirname)
+    .bind(2, basename);
+  int rc = ps_lookup_file.step();
+  if (rc != SQLITE_ROW) throw sqlite_exception(rc, "step");
+  int64_t id = sqlite3_column_int64 (ps_lookup_file, 0);
+  return id;
 static void
 scan_source_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
                   sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_buildids,
-                  sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_files,
+                  sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_fileparts,
+                  sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_file,
+                  sqlite_ps& ps_lookup_file,
                   sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_de,
                   sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_s,
                   sqlite_ps& ps_query,
@@ -3053,10 +3156,12 @@ scan_source_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
                   unsigned& fts_debuginfo,
                   unsigned& fts_sourcefiles)
+  int64_t fileid = register_file_name(ps_upsert_fileparts, ps_upsert_file, ps_lookup_file, rps);
   /* See if we know of it already. */
   int rc = ps_query
-    .bind(1, rps)
+    .bind(1, fileid)
     .bind(2, st.st_mtime)
@@ -3096,12 +3201,6 @@ scan_source_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
   if (fd >= 0)
     close (fd);
-  // register this file name in the interning table
-  ps_upsert_files
-    .reset()
-    .bind(1, rps)
-    .step_ok_done();
   if (buildid == "")
       // no point storing an elf file without buildid
@@ -3128,7 +3227,7 @@ scan_source_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
         .bind(1, buildid)
         .bind(2, debuginfo_p ? 1 : 0)
         .bind(3, executable_p ? 1 : 0)
-        .bind(4, rps)
+        .bind(4, fileid)
         .bind(5, st.st_mtime)
@@ -3160,11 +3259,6 @@ scan_source_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
                            << " mtime=" << sfs.st_mtime
                            << " as source " << dwarfsrc << endl;
-          ps_upsert_files
-            .reset()
-            .bind(1, srps)
-            .step_ok_done();
           // PR25548: store canonicalized dwarfsrc path
           string dwarfsrc_canon = canon_pathname (dwarfsrc);
           if (dwarfsrc_canon != dwarfsrc)
@@ -3173,16 +3267,14 @@ scan_source_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
                 obatched(clog) << "canonicalized src=" << dwarfsrc << " alias=" << dwarfsrc_canon << endl;
-          ps_upsert_files
-            .reset()
-            .bind(1, dwarfsrc_canon)
-            .step_ok_done();
+          int64_t fileid1 = register_file_name (ps_upsert_fileparts, ps_upsert_file, ps_lookup_file, dwarfsrc_canon);
+          int64_t fileid2 = register_file_name (ps_upsert_fileparts, ps_upsert_file, ps_lookup_file, srps);
             .bind(1, buildid)
-            .bind(2, dwarfsrc_canon)
-            .bind(3, srps)
+            .bind(2, fileid1)
+            .bind(3, fileid2)
             .bind(4, sfs.st_mtime)
@@ -3192,7 +3284,7 @@ scan_source_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
-    .bind(1, rps)
+    .bind(1, fileid)
     .bind(2, st.st_mtime)
     .bind(3, st.st_size)
@@ -3211,8 +3303,9 @@ scan_source_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
 // Analyze given archive file of given age; record buildids / exec/debuginfo-ness of its
 // constituent files with given upsert statements.
 static void
-archive_classify (const string& rps, string& archive_extension,
-                  sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_buildids, sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_files,
+archive_classify (const string& rps, string& archive_extension, int64_t archiveid,
+                  sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_buildids, sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_fileparts, sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_file,
+                  sqlite_ps& ps_lookup_file,
                   sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_de, sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_sref, sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_sdef,
                   time_t mtime,
                   unsigned& fts_executable, unsigned& fts_debuginfo, unsigned& fts_sref, unsigned& fts_sdef,
@@ -3266,7 +3359,7 @@ archive_classify (const string& rps, string& archive_extension,
   if (verbose > 3)
-    obatched(clog) << "libarchive scanning " << rps << endl;
+    obatched(clog) << "libarchive scanning " << rps << " id " << archiveid << endl;
   bool any_exceptions = false;
   while(1) // parse archive entries
@@ -3320,10 +3413,7 @@ archive_classify (const string& rps, string& archive_extension,
-          ps_upsert_files // register this rpm constituent file name in interning table
-            .reset()
-            .bind(1, fn)
-            .step_ok_done();
+          int64_t fileid = register_file_name (ps_upsert_fileparts, ps_upsert_file, ps_lookup_file, fn);
           if (sourcefiles.size() > 0) // sref records needed
@@ -3352,15 +3442,13 @@ archive_classify (const string& rps, string& archive_extension,
                         obatched(clog) << "canonicalized src=" << dwarfsrc << " alias=" << dwarfsrc_canon << endl;
-                  ps_upsert_files
-                    .reset()
-                    .bind(1, dwarfsrc_canon)
-                    .step_ok_done();
+                  int64_t srcfileid = register_file_name(ps_upsert_fileparts, ps_upsert_file, ps_lookup_file,
+                                                         dwarfsrc_canon);
                     .bind(1, buildid)
-                    .bind(2, dwarfsrc_canon)
+                    .bind(2, srcfileid)
                   fts_sref ++;
@@ -3379,9 +3467,9 @@ archive_classify (const string& rps, string& archive_extension,
                 .bind(1, buildid)
                 .bind(2, debuginfo_p ? 1 : 0)
                 .bind(3, executable_p ? 1 : 0)
-                .bind(4, rps)
+                .bind(4, archiveid)
                 .bind(5, mtime)
-                .bind(6, fn)
+                .bind(6, fileid)
           else // potential source - sdef record
@@ -3389,9 +3477,9 @@ archive_classify (const string& rps, string& archive_extension,
               fts_sdef ++;
-                .bind(1, rps)
+                .bind(1, archiveid)
                 .bind(2, mtime)
-                .bind(3, fn)
+                .bind(3, fileid)
@@ -3425,7 +3513,9 @@ archive_classify (const string& rps, string& archive_extension,
 static void
 scan_archive_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
                    sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_buildids,
-                   sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_files,
+                   sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_fileparts,
+                   sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_file,
+                   sqlite_ps& ps_lookup_file,
                    sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_de,
                    sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_sref,
                    sqlite_ps& ps_upsert_sdef,
@@ -3437,10 +3527,13 @@ scan_archive_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
                    unsigned& fts_sref,
                    unsigned& fts_sdef)
+  // intern the archive file name
+  int64_t archiveid = register_file_name (ps_upsert_fileparts, ps_upsert_file, ps_lookup_file, rps);
   /* See if we know of it already. */
   int rc = ps_query
-    .bind(1, rps)
+    .bind(1, archiveid)
     .bind(2, st.st_mtime)
@@ -3454,12 +3547,6 @@ scan_archive_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
-  // intern the archive file name
-  ps_upsert_files
-    .reset()
-    .bind(1, rps)
-    .step_ok_done();
   // extract the archive contents
   unsigned my_fts_executable = 0, my_fts_debuginfo = 0, my_fts_sref = 0, my_fts_sdef = 0;
   bool my_fts_sref_complete_p = true;
@@ -3467,8 +3554,8 @@ scan_archive_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
       string archive_extension;
-      archive_classify (rps, archive_extension,
-                        ps_upsert_buildids, ps_upsert_files,
+      archive_classify (rps, archive_extension, archiveid,
+                        ps_upsert_buildids, ps_upsert_fileparts, ps_upsert_file, ps_lookup_file,
                         ps_upsert_de, ps_upsert_sref, ps_upsert_sdef, // dalt
                         my_fts_executable, my_fts_debuginfo, my_fts_sref, my_fts_sdef,
@@ -3510,7 +3597,7 @@ scan_archive_file (const string& rps, const stat_t& st,
   if (my_fts_sref_complete_p) // leave incomplete?
-      .bind(1, rps)
+      .bind(1, archiveid)
       .bind(2, st.st_mtime)
       .bind(3, st.st_size)
@@ -3532,50 +3619,58 @@ thread_main_scanner (void* arg)
   // all the prepared statements fit to use, the _f_ set:
   sqlite_ps ps_f_upsert_buildids (db, "file-buildids-intern", "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_buildids VALUES (NULL, ?);");
-  sqlite_ps ps_f_upsert_files (db, "file-files-intern", "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_files VALUES (NULL, ?);");
+  sqlite_ps ps_f_upsert_fileparts (db, "file-fileparts-intern", "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_fileparts VALUES (NULL, ?);");
+  sqlite_ps ps_f_upsert_file (db, "file-file-intern", "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_files VALUES (NULL, \n"
+                              "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_fileparts where name = ?),\n"
+                              "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_fileparts where name = ?));");
+  sqlite_ps ps_f_lookup_file (db, "file-file-lookup",
+                              "select f.id\n"
+                              " from " BUILDIDS "_files f, " BUILDIDS "_fileparts p1, " BUILDIDS "_fileparts p2 \n"
+                              " where f.dirname = p1.id and f.basename = p2.id and p1.name = ? and p2.name = ?;\n");
   sqlite_ps ps_f_upsert_de (db, "file-de-upsert",
                           "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_f_de "
                           "(buildid, debuginfo_p, executable_p, file, mtime) "
                           "values ((select id from " BUILDIDS "_buildids where hex = ?),"
-                          "        ?,?,"
-                          "        (select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?), ?);");
+                            "        ?,?,?,?);");
   sqlite_ps ps_f_upsert_s (db, "file-s-upsert",
                          "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_f_s "
                          "(buildid, artifactsrc, file, mtime) "
                          "values ((select id from " BUILDIDS "_buildids where hex = ?),"
-                         "        (select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?),"
-                         "        (select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?),"
-                         "        ?);");
+                         "      ?,?,?);");
   sqlite_ps ps_f_query (db, "file-negativehit-find",
                         "select 1 from " BUILDIDS "_file_mtime_scanned where sourcetype = 'F' "
-                        "and file = (select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?) and mtime = ?;");
+                        "and file = ? and mtime = ?;");
   sqlite_ps ps_f_scan_done (db, "file-scanned",
                           "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_file_mtime_scanned (sourcetype, file, mtime, size)"
-                          "values ('F', (select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?), ?, ?);");
+                          "values ('F', ?,?,?);");
   // and now for the _r_ set
   sqlite_ps ps_r_upsert_buildids (db, "rpm-buildid-intern", "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_buildids VALUES (NULL, ?);");
-  sqlite_ps ps_r_upsert_files (db, "rpm-file-intern", "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_files VALUES (NULL, ?);");
+  sqlite_ps ps_r_upsert_fileparts (db, "rpm-fileparts-intern", "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_fileparts VALUES (NULL, ?);");
+  sqlite_ps ps_r_upsert_file (db, "rpm-file-intern", "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_files VALUES (NULL, \n"
+                              "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_fileparts where name = ?),\n"
+                              "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_fileparts where name = ?));");
+  sqlite_ps ps_r_lookup_file (db, "rpm-file-lookup",
+                              "select f.id\n"
+                              " from " BUILDIDS "_files f, " BUILDIDS "_fileparts p1, " BUILDIDS "_fileparts p2 \n"
+                              " where f.dirname = p1.id and f.basename = p2.id and p1.name = ? and p2.name = ?;\n");
   sqlite_ps ps_r_upsert_de (db, "rpm-de-insert",
                           "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_r_de (buildid, debuginfo_p, executable_p, file, mtime, content) values ("
-                          "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_buildids where hex = ?), ?, ?, "
-                          "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?), ?, "
-                          "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?));");
+                          "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_buildids where hex = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
   sqlite_ps ps_r_upsert_sref (db, "rpm-sref-insert",
                             "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_r_sref (buildid, artifactsrc) values ("
                             "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_buildids where hex = ?), "
-                            "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?));");
+                            "?);");
   sqlite_ps ps_r_upsert_sdef (db, "rpm-sdef-insert",
                             "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_r_sdef (file, mtime, content) values ("
-                            "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?), ?,"
-                            "(select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?));");
+                            "?, ?, ?);");
   sqlite_ps ps_r_query (db, "rpm-negativehit-query",
                       "select 1 from " BUILDIDS "_file_mtime_scanned where "
-                      "sourcetype = 'R' and file = (select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?) and mtime = ?;");
+                      "sourcetype = 'R' and file = ? and mtime = ?;");
   sqlite_ps ps_r_scan_done (db, "rpm-scanned",
                           "insert or ignore into " BUILDIDS "_file_mtime_scanned (sourcetype, file, mtime, size)"
-                          "values ('R', (select id from " BUILDIDS "_files where name = ?), ?, ?);");
+                          "values ('R', ?, ?, ?);");
   unsigned fts_cached = 0, fts_executable = 0, fts_debuginfo = 0, fts_sourcefiles = 0;
   unsigned fts_sref = 0, fts_sdef = 0;
@@ -3602,7 +3697,9 @@ thread_main_scanner (void* arg)
           if (scan_archive)
             scan_archive_file (p.first, p.second,
-                               ps_r_upsert_files,
+                               ps_r_upsert_fileparts,
+                               ps_r_upsert_file,
+                               ps_r_lookup_file,
@@ -3617,7 +3714,9 @@ thread_main_scanner (void* arg)
           if (scan_files) // NB: maybe "else if" ?
             scan_source_file (p.first, p.second,
-                              ps_f_upsert_files,
+                              ps_f_upsert_fileparts,
+                              ps_f_upsert_file,
+                              ps_f_lookup_file,
@@ -3855,7 +3954,7 @@ void groom()
   // scan for files that have disappeared
   sqlite_ps files (db, "check old files",
                    "select distinct s.mtime, s.file, f.name from "
-                   BUILDIDS "_file_mtime_scanned s, " BUILDIDS "_files f "
+                   BUILDIDS "_file_mtime_scanned s, " BUILDIDS "_files_v f "
                    "where f.id = s.file");
   // NB: Because _ftime_mtime_scanned can contain both F and
   // R records for the same file, this query would return duplicates if the
diff --git a/tests/run-debuginfod-extraction.sh b/tests/run-debuginfod-extraction.sh
index 3ca31b8a85c2..78014c868062 100755
--- a/tests/run-debuginfod-extraction.sh
+++ b/tests/run-debuginfod-extraction.sh
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ wait_ready $PORT1 'thread_work_total{role="traverse"}' 2
 wait_ready $PORT1 'thread_work_pending{role="scan"}' 0
 wait_ready $PORT1 'thread_busy{role="scan"}' 0
+# Take a dump if possible
+type sqlite3 2>/dev/null && sqlite3 $DB '.d'
 # All rpms need to be in the index, except the dummy permission-000 one
 rpms=$(find R -name \*rpm | grep -v nothing | wc -l)

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