PR27863 [PATCH] - debuginfod serialization for concurrent identical requests

Frank Ch. Eigler
Fri Jun 4 12:49:52 GMT 2021

Hi -

After a little DoS on one of the public servers yesterday, I'm
thinking this should help.

Author: Frank Ch. Eigler <>
Date:   Fri Jun 4 08:40:11 2021 -0400

    PR27863: debuginfod optimization for concurrent requests
    Sometimes, due to configuration error, mishap, or DoS misadventure, a
    debuginfod server may receive near-concurrent requests for the exact
    same data from multiple clients.  In practically all cases, it is
    beneficial to the clients, as well as the server, to serialize these
    requests.  This way, debuginfod does not waste CPU in repeatedly &
    concurrently decompressing large archives or querying upstream
    servers.  Second and later requesters can benefit from the fdcache /
    client-cache and get their results, probably earlier!
    This patch adds an "after-you" queueing phase to servicing
    http-buildid requests, whereby thereads serialize themselves on each
    query URL being serviced at the moment.  Prometheus metrics are added,
    and the http GET trace line is modified to print the queue+service
    times separately.
    Hand-tested on large kernel-debuginfo's, and shows host CPU refusing
    to multiply in the face of concurrent identical queries.  The
    automated test tries a hundred concurrent curls, at least some of
    which are slow enough to trigger the "after-you" wait here.
    Signed-off-by: Frank Ch. Eigler <>

diff --git a/debuginfod/debuginfod.cxx b/debuginfod/debuginfod.cxx
index e0948eaba4b1..543044c6f0ea 100644
--- a/debuginfod/debuginfod.cxx
+++ b/debuginfod/debuginfod.cxx
@@ -705,6 +705,54 @@ static workq<scan_payload> scanq; // just a single one
 // idler: thread_main_groom()
+// Unique set is a thread-safe structure that lends 'ownership' of a value
+// to a thread.  Other threads requesting the same thing are made to wait.
+// It's like a semaphore-on-demand.
+template <typename T>
+class unique_set
+  set<T> values;
+  mutex mtx;
+  condition_variable cv;
+  unique_set() {}
+  ~unique_set() {}
+  void acquire(const T& value)
+  {
+    unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx);
+    while (values.find(value) != values.end())
+      cv.wait(lock);
+    values.insert(value);
+  }
+  void release(const T& value)
+  {
+    unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx);
+    // assert (values.find(value) != values.end());
+    values.erase(value);
+    cv.notify_all();
+  }
+// This is the object that's instantiate to uniquely hold a value in a
+// RAII-pattern way.
+template <typename T>
+class unique_set_reserver
+  unique_set<T>& please_hold;
+  T mine;
+  unique_set_reserver(unique_set<T>& t, const T& value):
+    please_hold(t), mine(value)  { please_hold.acquire(mine); }
+  ~unique_set_reserver() { please_hold.release(mine); }
@@ -1961,6 +2009,7 @@ handler_cb (void * /*cls*/,
   off_t http_size = -1;
   struct timespec ts_start, ts_end;
   clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_start);
+  double afteryou = 0.0;
@@ -1973,7 +2022,25 @@ handler_cb (void * /*cls*/,
       if (slash1 != string::npos && url1 == "/buildid")
+          // PR27863: block this thread awhile if another thread is already busy
+          // fetching the exact same thing.  This is better for Everyone.
+          // The latecomer says "... after you!" and waits.
+          add_metric ("thread_busy", "role", "http-buildid-after-you", 1);
+          (void) pthread_setname_np (pthread_self(), "mhd-buildid-after-you");
+          struct timespec tsay_start, tsay_end;
+          clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tsay_start);
+          static unique_set<string> busy_urls;
+          unique_set_reserver<string> after_you(busy_urls, url1);
+          clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tsay_end);
+          afteryou = (tsay_end.tv_sec - tsay_start.tv_sec) + (tsay_end.tv_nsec - tsay_start.tv_nsec)/1.e9;
+          add_metric ("thread_busy", "role", "http-buildid-after-you", -1);
           tmp_inc_metric m ("thread_busy", "role", "http-buildid");
+          (void) pthread_setname_np (pthread_self(), "mhd-buildid");
           size_t slash2 = url_copy.find('/', slash1+1);
           if (slash2 == string::npos)
             throw reportable_exception("/buildid/ webapi error, need buildid");
@@ -2036,10 +2103,12 @@ handler_cb (void * /*cls*/,
   clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_end);
   double deltas = (ts_end.tv_sec - ts_start.tv_sec) + (ts_end.tv_nsec - ts_start.tv_nsec)/1.e9;
+  // afteryou: delay waiting for other client's identical query to complete
+  // deltas: total latency, including afteryou waiting
   obatched(clog) << conninfo(connection)
                  << ' ' << method << ' ' << url
                  << ' ' << http_code << ' ' << http_size
-                 << ' ' << (int)(deltas*1000) << "ms"
+                 << ' ' << (int)(afteryou*1000) << '+' << (int)((deltas-afteryou)*1000) << "ms"
                  << endl;
   // related prometheus metrics
@@ -2053,6 +2122,10 @@ handler_cb (void * /*cls*/,
              deltas*1000); // prometheus prefers _seconds and floating point
+  add_metric("http_responses_after_you_milliseconds_sum","code",http_code_str,
+             afteryou*1000);
+  inc_metric("http_responses_after_you_milliseconds_count","code",http_code_str);
   return rc;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 9183cccb7201..0445bce1e765 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -580,6 +580,20 @@ testrun ${abs_top_builddir}/debuginfod/debuginfod-find debuginfo $BUILDID
 # Confirm that some debuginfod client pools are being used
 curl -s$PORT2/metrics | grep 'dc_pool_op.*reuse'
+# Trigger a flood of requests against the same archive content file.
+# Use a file that hasn't been previously extracted in to make it
+# likely that even this test debuginfod will experience concurrency
+# and impose some "after-you" delays.
+(for i in `seq 100`; do
+    curl -s$PORT1/buildid/87c08d12c78174f1082b7c888b3238219b0eb265/executable >/dev/null &
+ done;
+ wait)
+curl -s$PORT1/metrics | grep 'http_responses_after_you.*'
+# If we could guarantee some minimum number of seconds of CPU time, we
+# could assert that the after_you metrics show some nonzero amount of
+# waiting.  A few hundred ms is typical on this developer's workstation.
 # Corrupt the sqlite database and get debuginfod to trip across its errors
 curl -s$PORT1/metrics | grep 'sqlite3.*reset'

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