[RFC PATCH 0/6] Allow systemd activation for debuginfod

Frank Ch. Eigler fche@redhat.com
Sun Mar 7 14:54:59 GMT 2021

Hi -

> As a developer I have a few self-built Debian packages in a small repo
> on my own laptop. I like having debuginfod running when debugging them,
> but it does not have to be running all the time.

What about the grooming/scanning cycles?

> This patch series is a first try at integrating systemd socket 
> activation in debuginfod. I've tried to split the series into different
> ways of integration. [...]

Thanks, the code is fairly readable in this breakdown.  The mhd
initialization looks rather worse, and if we decided to do this, I
might focus on simplifying that.  (Maybe I'd use the classic inetd
socket-stdin/stdout style rather than systemd-specific APIs.)

But I'm not sure a web-api-only functionality makes much sense -
unless there is also a sibling debuginfod to do the scanning/grooming,
in which case ... how does this help?

- FChE

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